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Boomer at Umuna!

Perth, Australia
Jul 5, 2009

Type: Orienteering - Local

event website

added by: Dangerman

Introduction: This event is modelled on a style of orienteering which is very popular in North America. The style was invented by US Orienteer Peter Gagarin and named the Billygoat. While the Billygoat remains the most popular classic version, and takes place in Northeastern USA in May every year, the format has become a tradition all over the USA, with copycat event names such as the Bubba Goat, Scapegoat, Rocky Mountain Goat, Possum Trot, etc. For an Australian version of this event it is hard to go past naming it after a big, strong, red or grey kangaroo ? hence ?The Boomer?. Description: Basically, a longer-than-usual-distance line course is set and there is a mass start. The catch is that one or two of the controls may be ?skipped?, ie left out, and in some variations there are also one or more ?forks?, ie the course is split with a choice between two controls before the course continues again at the next common control. Clever course setting gives multiple options for the ?skipped? control. Following is allowed ? encouraged even, and the Billygoat has an amusing ?Jockstuffer? (tuck your map into your pants and follow) award which goes to the person who tries hardest to follow the pack, but circumstances lead to their inevitable downfall. Most packs will split up when individuals make different choices (based on their strengths ? or whims!) about which controls to skip or fork ? or when someone makes a mistake. The emphasis of the events is fun and competitive camaraderie. In introducing this event to WA (and Australia) we are offering a slightly different version of the classic Billygoat, where there is just one long and challenging course for everybody. Many of the USA variants offer a range of course lengths, so that is what we will be doing this year (see next paragraph). Hopefully some of our older members (other than Phil) will nevertheless take on the challenge and enter the H1 Boomer (think of it as a ?long-O?). The Boomer will have the standard event range, plus H1. The VE, E and M will be normal courses. The H1, H2, H3, and H4 courses will be longer than normal, but will each have one forked leg, and an option to skip one other control. While you may choose an interval start, we hope that most members will participate in the mass start at 10.00am. Full Sportident will be used on all courses, but of course the mass start races will be decided by finishing order. Entries: Pre-entry is not essential, but an email (address below) signalling your intention to participate in the mass start and your choice of course, would be appreciated as this will give us a better idea of how many maps to print, and how many to bag for the mass start. You will need to complete a registration card and pay (normal entry fees apply) when you arrive at the event. If you prefer an interval start, just register on the day as normal. Unless you have a specific reason for an earlier start (please advise in advance), H1 to H4 interval starts will not commence until after the mass start, ie just after 10.00am. Your map will not be bagged. VE, E and M starts will commence at 9.30am as usual.


5,458 days ago
Results 1  
5,467 days ago
Course Lengths 5  

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67.1 ✓ Craig (log)
66.4 ✓ tRicky (log) Need transport.
63.1 ✓ sten (log)
55.0 jjcote Ah, but it sounds like an excellent event, and I would if I could!
51.5 ✓ Rachel (log)
32.2 ✓ ginger (log) Just looking for a ride from Perth...
✓ fizzyred (log)
✓ simmo Planner, so guess I'll be there!
✓ O-ing (log) Not sure which course
✓ LOST_Richard (log) See who else is on H3
kendal sounds fun, could have made a comeback. unfortunately skiing in nz beckons.
Dangerman (log) The Valley calls.
fletch (log) Not getting out and about till TEVA it seems :(
AndreM (log) Unf have a lunch to get to....

See also:

May 23, 2009NavDash 8 - Scotch College
May 24, 2009MTB Orienteering - Turner Hill
May 30, 2009Autumn Classic at Kenine Hill
Jun 6–7, 2009Australian Rogaining Champs 2009
Jun 28, 2009Marginata - Badge & SS
Jul 5, 2009Perth Marathon
Jul 12, 2009MTB Orienteering - Langford Park
Jul 19, 2009Inter Club Relays at Peterdine near York
Jul 26, 2009Malmalling South near Sawyers Valley - Standard
Aug 2, 2009MTB Orienteering - Goat Farm
Aug 16, 2009Hill Park Dale near Beverley - Badge and State Series