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Split Analysis

QOC: Westmoreland: Blue


median leg score: 102.9
calculated time lost: 14:08 (+16.7%)

splitcumulative total
#disttimeplacedeltascorelost*pace  dist  timeplacedeltapace comments
1. 380m 2:22 2 +25 21% 100.0 6:13   380m 2:22 2 +25 21% 6:13 0-1 I had warmed-up but before starting, I had to wait a while running in circles and getting wet in the cold light rain while others checked-in. I finally started at around 12:26. Only Peggy (half hour) and John Torrance (an hour) had left before me on the Blue course. Having seen John left, I ran down the road and cut-in left at a subtle bend. The scale didn't bother me much. In the woods I had to run way around a bunch of fallen trees, then paused one reentrant early before getting there.
2. 520m 6:51 4 +1:19 24% 85.5 1:15 1:09 13:10   900m 9:13 3 +1:44 23% 10:14 1-2 I ran across the power lines and turned right on the trail. I turned left at the stream junction but since there wasn't much water visible I wasn't sure I was where I thought I was. Stepping into the ooze hidden by the leaves, I felt more confident about being at the stream junction. As I climbed, I drifted left due to the green. I never saw any of the fence but ran over the top and started down the other side. I got far enough to see the trail below, looked right and saw the ditch and control far off.
3. 280m 2:24 2 +4 3% 103.7 8:34   1180m 11:37 3 +1:48 18% 9:50 2-3 Went straight but got to the right a little. At the creek I corrected.
4. 760m 6:19 1 -2:00 -24% 122.6 8:18   1940m 17:56 1 -29 -3% 9:14 3-4 Back the way I came from #2, at the creek I cut more right. Fighting through the mountain laurel, I turned right on the power lines. I kept running but felt slow on the climb. I crossed the paved road and ran to the loop. Attacking from here, I had to run around the piles of wood. I was pace counting but went past the end of the count anyway because of my initial detour, small steps, since there was no reentrant and because it was thicker than I thought. I ended-up spiking it and catching a glimpse of a younger runner going off.
5. 1260m 9:53 1 -1:10 -11% 108.2 7:50   3200m 27:49 1 -1:44 -6% 8:41 4-5 After dropping down, I caught sight of, then caught the other runner. At the first junction, he went off to the right and I went left so I never saw him again. It was nice running though I had some big zig zags. At the marsh, I tried to stay dry. Every now and then I saw what I took to be John Torrance's foot prints in the mud. Things looked right the whole way though I wasn't very confident. I climbed on the right side. Nearing the control, I saw it across the main reentrant, much further out of the reentrant than I thought it would be. I guess it still counts as spiking it--I was happy.
6. 420m 3:22 2 +15 8% 118.0 8:00   3620m 31:11 1 -1:29 -5% 8:36 5-6 I went straight up then around the edge of the drop-off. I cut across one reentrant, went out along the spur, then looked down and saw it. It was further left than I thought it'd be.
7. 1600m 16:06 2 +40 4% 105.8 10:03   5220m 47:17 1 -49 -2% 9:03 6-7 I gave serious thought to going back up, past #5 and around through the fields but I wasn't sure if the fields would be private and out-of-bounds or not. Remembering that the way to #5 wasn't too bad, I set off downhill. Upon reaching the marsh, I changed my mind about the route. The mud made me skirt difficult sloping hillsides though an animal trail helped a little. As that ran out, I slogged right through the marsh sometimes finding good footing and sometimes in it past my ankles. I found myself jumping across creeks a lot but just kept rough compassing my way there. I lost confidence of where I was, but like #5, things matched-up and I kept going. The narrowing valley and subsequent compass checking let me follow reentrants all the way there, including the long curl around at the end.
8. 460m 12:36 4 +7:09 131% 48.8 7:00 6:37 27:23   5680m 59:53 2 +6:20 12% 10:32 7-8 The long marshy leg had taken a bit out of me so I thought to avoid climb by going around the reentrant. I reached the field, confirmed my location from the houses and attacked. Though the greenery kept me from going straight, I reached what I believe was the right reentrant. Not seeing it, I checked down lower, then decided to minimize my loss by going out back to the field. I attacked from further north this time, reached, then skirted the edge of the next northernmost reentrant. Because of some fallen trees, I drifted left, then reached the correct reentrant far to the west of the control. Completing my loop, I finally saw it, punched and drank. I think I must have drawn my circle a little off, and trees must have obscured it from my view the first time to the reentrant. The clue said top of reentrant but I after finding it it seemed more in the reentrant and on the north side.
9. 600m 6:58 3 +1:06 19% 91.1 48 11:36   6280m 1:06:51 2 +7:26 13% 10:38 8-9 Not trusting my navigation on the straight route, I went down to the marsh. At the bottom, I saw Tom Strat going to #7 and one other runner headed my direction. I caught the other runner then turned left. The other guy went on to the right, probably on the way to #5. The control bag was faded and almost blended-in to the terrain but since the climb slowed me enough to look around, I saw it anyway.
10. 520m 5:11 2 +8 3% 108.1 9:58   6800m 1:12:02 2 +7:34 12% 10:35 9-10 I had enough of the marsh so I climbed to the trail. The climb wasn't as hard as I thought it might be. As the trail bent hard north, I dropped down south along the edge of the big reentrant. I had to come-back west a bit but saw it from far off. I was glad it wasn't deep in the pit.
11. 460m 5:02 2 +4 1% 102.4 10:56   7260m 1:17:04 2 +7:38 11% 10:36 10-11 Climbing back up to the trail, I was slowing-down. Getting left of straight, I stopped before reaching the bottom of the stream valley. The pause prevented me from making a mistake. I could tell the difference in size of the reentrants across the valley.
12. 500m 7:26 1 -13 -3% 103.1 1:00 14:52   7760m 1:24:30 2 +7:10 9% 10:53 11-12 I hit the trail and took it left to the bend. In the slow green I stayed left of straight though I was trying to be more direct. It was steep going down into the valley and being tired, I almost took a bad fall. I reached bottom at a stream junction so knew I was south of where I wanted to be. Going north in the reentrant, I was about to pass-up the subtle reentrant but luckily I caught a glimpse of the control. I realized how lucky I was because I lost sight of it while climbing.
13. 400m 11:57 4 +5:38 89% 54.9 6:00 5:34 29:52   8160m 1:36:27 2 +12:41 15% 11:49 12-13 Tiring quickly with a stiffening back, I mostly walked-up the first reentrant. After crossing the fight to the edge of a drop-off, I was unsure of my location. I saw people walking on a ridge on the other side of the reentrant in front of me. Stiff, cold and wet; not thinking clearly, I figured they must be headed to the finish and that I should climb the ridge they were on. Had I looked at my compass, I would have realized they weren't going where I should have been. I dropped down and saw a control at the bottom but didn't check it. Doubting myself, I didn't climb up the ridge but instead went right and downward to confirm my location at the next stream junction. Doing some bad compass work, I decided to turn around and head up toward where I first saw the people on the ridge. The climb was slow and I was cold. Seeing some white stuff on the shadow side of a tree I thought I was seeing snow but soon realized it was water streaming down a tree and foaming at the base. Not finding any controls, I figured it out and ran back down to the stream junction. The climb/walk up to #13 was farther than I thought but I made no further errors.
14. 480m 2:27 2 +9 7% 102.9 5:06   8640m 1:38:54 2 +12:50 15% 11:26 13-F Mostly walking to the top, I hit the road at a jog and followed the sign that said "Keep Right" because it looked shorter. The easier terrain of the road loosened me up and my speed improved. Mike was waiting patiently at the van dripping and cold too. Afterward, my right knee hurt when I walked. It was either from all the jumping across streams, decending steep hills, or being stiff in the cold wet weather. I'm told John Torrance finished in 74 minutes.

* red = reported, gray = calculated

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