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Race Evaluation

Georgia Navigator Cup: Day 2 Red


1. Underrated difficulty
Ran too fast
Confused parallel features
Bad distance judgement
down the spur across the first stream then into the lake bed & straight to the tip of the lake. Saw tgeh stream junction which was agreat attack point & continued on, angling up thew slope to the left. Must not have gone high enough & passed the control low, heading on to tgeh next ditch where I roamed for a while, then continued even farther away from the control. Never did see the trail to which I must have been very close. Finally turned around and on the way back to teh lake tip to relocate, noticed a control in a reentrant which could be it ... and was.
2. North to trail, trail to junction, aimed slightly right of the hilltop, startling a jrotc cadet on the way. straight to the control. bang.
3. west toward the stream juntion, intended to go left of the stream coming bfrom the WNW, but ended up going up the right side of it. Oh well, just run to the road. Hit the clearing just right of the 4-5 connection line which momentarily surprised me that i;'d gotten so far north, but also gave me instant precise location and i hit teh road SW to where the path joined it then straight west into and down the reentrant, a natural funnel leading straight to the control.
4. Hesitated
dogleg straight back to the road, crossing the trail just before the road, then NE on the road, looking for the 2nd trail on the right. Turned into teh woods at an angle immediately after I crosed the first trail i saw figuring to cut thge corner to the 2nd and immediately noticed the clearing on my right... I'd never seen the first trail and had turned at the second. After a fractional hesitation, continued east on the north side of the clearing, down the spur, across the reentrant to the control.
5. another dogleg, back toward the road. saw teh ranger house thru the woods & aimed left of it crossing the road and leaving before the bend on as beeline to the control in the saddle.
6. +00:15dogleg back to the road, left down the road past the ranger's house, angled right into the woods crossing the trail. Hit the reentrant low and left of the control, and took a second to spot it way up to my right. An extra glance at the map might have saved me a few seconds.
7. Who let the dogs our? Final dogleg back to the road, hitting at the junction. Trail for 200 m then across the gully and straight west across the stream, up over and into the reentrant system and down the left side of the system to the control. Momentarily confused the index contour for a gully, but fortunately got it right.
8. I think this was the toughest leg of the course, heding across complex reentrant systems with the oblivion of the park boundary and map edge no more than 50m past the control. Left 7 to the south, staying left of the gully to the top, then turning west, seeing the rough open on my left. angled SW, keeping fairly level at teh tops of the reentrants until I hit the broad spur N of control 3. WNW doiwn the spur, crossed at the stream junction, climbed the hill SSW to the reentrant with the control.
9. Confused parallel features
S to the park boundary and maxed out on the straight relatively open unmapped path along the boundary, turning left to the road just after the little rough open area. NW into the rentrant system, passing a control at a gully junction and another one in the stream 75 m NE of my control, where I briefly hesitated, even though I was pretty sure I wasn't far enough, it was a similar feature and pushing-the-limits close to USOF rules.
10. +00:10N to path, cut corner NW to road,w On road and NW across clearing and down spur. At bottom of spur, I almost continued straight acoross the creek toward the next gully to teh west, but caught myself just in time, did a 90 degree right and up the correct gully to the control.
11. a long leg with an obvious handrail. But, a lot of physical obstacles (gullies, downed logs, etc). Fast as I could go, looking ahead to see what looked like it offered the most favorable footing and running. Crossed the creek a couple times. This was simply a matter of fell running as fast as possible.
F. unmarked route to the finish, had already looked at the map enough to know to look for the building on top of the spur, aim to the left of it and GO!

Total Time Lost - 00:05:05

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