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Race Evaluation

Fox Chaser II (U.S. 2015 IS / IC / Trail O Champs): Day 1 - Red


1. P D P R I had a late start so there were lots of tracks in the snow. Out of start I couldn't see the blue north lines. North lines also only on the mapped part so there was anything to key off of just off the mapped area. It would have been nice to have north line through the white area on the side of the 'mapped' area. The control lines were also hard to see. they are very close to the contour lines. This was a bingo control. I took the field to a likely cut in point (Note the control line hid the trail entrance=BAD) and then skirted the green tot he stony ground. The boulder was completely under the snow and the control practically on the ground behind it. I got the area and saw nothing. I went a little farther and caught a glimpse of a the corner of the control.
2. +00:10Straight. I got a little high and had to cut back down to #2.
3. P D P R I saw the indistinct trail and figured I would never find it in the green. I went straight heading the left of the high ground. The green forced me farther left then I intended and I did hit trail. I only ran a tiny bit on it then cut tot he other side of the reentrant to the control.
4. P D P R +00:20I meant to go straighter but ended up following the stream down so had to climb more than I intended later. Control was hidden behind the root stock. I would have it as the root stock trunk rather than the boulder.
5. P D P R Down to the trail. Then up to the bend by the spring. Climb to the control.
6. P D P R Followed the high ground to the control. Easy one.
7. P D P R +00:20Southeast to the trail. Down trail to bend and then cut in. There were a lot of small root stocks. I don't know if they were all on the map. I tried to match some up but then gave up. I just kept going until one had a control.
8. P D P R North east to the trail. Trail run and then cut angle up hill. Tiring going up hill. This was the first major tweak of my calf.
9. P D P R Back to the trail. Trail around to small trail. Cut up small trail. I started to continue on the trail but the woods look ok so I took direct line only to hit the trail bend. Cut over to the control.
10. P D P R Going back down the hill to the trail, I hurt my calf some more. Trail to the control.
11. Trail run. My calf was hurting now and I was starting to hobble while running.
12. Ran trail to tunnel. Never saw the control circle on the map. I ran right by it.
13. P D P R At this point my calf is really hurting. I walked up the steep slope to 13. No problems finding the control. Just moving slow, walking gingerly.
14. I started off strong down the hill. I caught my foot wrong and really hurt my calf. At this point I am taking it easy and I did it again (hurt the calf). That was it. It was now a matter of figuring out what to do. I made it to the bottom of the hill and hobbled on the trail to the road. It was a long hobble back. My ankle was starting to hurt because of how I was walking to keep my calf from hurting. It took 35 minutes to walk back from #13

Total Time Lost - 00:00:50

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