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Race Evaluation

Texas Interscholastics A meet: Blue Day 1


1. Unused to map
Difficulty making sense of map, but navigated to center of circle and found control.
2. Unused to map
Again having difficulty with map, but found control OK.
3. +00:15Went in off the end of the open to the SW, found myself too far to the left.
5. Straight through the green, not as bad as I thought it would be given some Texas terrain. Interesting field of junk at on the way.
6. Saw Vladamir arriving at control as I left.
7. Got too far north, but could follow ditches back to control. Having difficulty seeing contours under green on map.
9. Vladamir passes me, I see him leaving control showing me where to go in.
10. +01:00Get too far west thinking the boat is from the junk on the 4-5 leg. Realise that the tapes are marking the trail to the SW of control.
11. Trail run.
12. Went about 200m along the trail to the S, and then cut in down the long broad spur.
13. Up to the trail W of control.
14. Back up to the trail as I thought it would give faster running.
15. And back up to the trail again.
16. +03:00SE to N-S trail (200m from control), followd it until the last place the creek was corssable. Then up to the SW, and then S. Used the thin trail just W of the line to take me to the 2nd major creek crossing, and then got caught in the briars beyond for a bit. On approach to control I thought I was getting too close to the lake and hit the creek behind the control in some more really bad briars.
18. Got too far north and ended up in undergrowth to W of out of bounds area.
19. Got too far south and almost hit road. Alan Gaulding catches me.
21. Alan gets away from me leaving this control
22. Did not like map
Tried to follow finger of yellow leading to the control, but it's too vague and I end up using the trail behind as a catching feature (after trying to decipher the earthwalls on the map, again hidden by the green. End up attaching control from path junction to north.
24. Down the creek but eventually climb up to E side for easier running.

Total Time Lost - 00:07:15

Split Analysis

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