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Attackpoint AR - performance and training tools for adventure athletes

R Knee, Other

2011-12-19 – 2012-02-25

Grade: 2

IT band started acting up after a 20 miler on trails and then a 12 hour day on feet at work on the 19th. Took the rest of the week off due to the holiday and was able to get in another 5 mile road run and another 20 miler before the new year. It acted up again the first week of the year showing signs that it was more than IT band issues. Started self soft tissue work and strengthening which, combined with replacing my road shoes, seems to have taken care of the issue. Keeping optimistic in the weeks leading up to the 50k.

I feel like my leg is pretty much back to normal. At least enough to feel like I'm recovered. I think being aware of shoe mileage for the road shoes and logging all of my long days on the trails has been key. I also think the muscle scraping when it's really bad and stretching/rollering for maintenance has been a huge help as well. I need to keep a strengthening routine in place this year to keep any further injury at bay.