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L Foot, Ankle Sprain

2007-07-08 – 2007-08-03

Grade: 2

While mountain biking, went off ramp, lot it, left ankle rolled left on landing, or impacted on left side on landing. No swelling just stiff, worked it out adter drive home, next day stiff. less stif later in the week. on Sat 6 days later did MTB then trail felt good no pain, but a few hours later it stiffened and now poain in the "bone" on left side , hurts at end of day, little to no pain in AM, Hope I can get back to running, soon

WIsdom, don't fall off your bike!

Fully recovered increasing flexability. Left ankle has been damaged many time with history of two breaks last break in 1997 this was a level 4. this ankle also has not had as much range of motion as the right post 1997 break. But gettin better