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L Knee, Patellar tendonitis

2007-08-01 – 2007-08-09

Grade: 2

My left knee bothered my quite a bit. It would pinch now and than, hurting a bit and giving a feeling of stiffness. We believe the bursa patelaris(?) is somewhat inflamed, swollen and gets pinched in the knee. My left upper leg hurt me (Sartorius, Quadriceps and biceps) and my butt muscles were very tight for a few weeks now. Maybe the hurt bursa is the consequence of those not so properly working muscles... starting to do some stabilizing exercises and putting more effort in relaxing the leg muscles.

Running through the injury, knee tape, massage, ultra sound on the bursa, Bemer and especially 3x400mg/day Ibuprofen made the problem go away.
The reason for the problem is probably a stiff hip and not so well working butt muscles. So I shall more stretch and strengthen this region.