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Sick, Cold

2009-03-18 – 2009-04-15

Grade: 3

Came down with a cold at the same time as Duncan Archer; did we catch it from someone on the plane or from Ollie Murphy?
Started off as most of my colds do with a sore throat & me feeling under the weather, but got a lot worse later. I suspect that getting cold while watching the Birkebeinerlopet didn't help; I certainly slept badly that night. However, it was the journey back home on 22 March that really did me in. By the end of the day I'd got a bad chesty cough (unusual for me), lots of catarrah & felt wretched.
Monday 23 March I felt marginally better, but only managed half a day of work on Tues 24 March; my colleagues were convinced I was about to die on them. Sleeping the afternoon away helped, as did not doing much on Wed 25. By the evening, though my cold had started moving up into my head, so I'd got either a blocked or streaming nose (much more normal route for my colds), but still a bit of a cough.
Coped with giving a 20-minute presentation in London on Thurs 26 (my voice held out, thankfully), but felt exhausted by the time I got home; not good.

I've still got a bit of a blocked nose & a sore throat at times, but I'm not sure whether it's the same cold or a succession of them. Still, I can exercise again, so I think I'll say it's over, even if it doesn't always feel like that (especially when I haven't had enough sleep).