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Training Log Archive: runninghils

In the 7 days ending Sep 15, 2014:

activity # timemileskm+ft
  Mountain Bike3 5:59:00 61.9(10.3/h) 99.62(16.6/h)
  Hike2 4:11:00
  Strength Training2 1:50:00
  Paddle1 1:22:00 5.1(16:05) 8.21(9:59)
  Run1 1:00:00
  Total5 14:22:00 67.0 107.83

» now

Sunday Sep 14, 2014 #

Paddle (Kayak) 1:22:00 [3] 5.1 mi (16:05 / mi)

Nice cool day for a paddle. Brought my jacket but no need for it. In fact, I got a bit warm in a single layer of long sleeves. I guess that's not all needed for 60 degree weather! Ha! Every 10 minutes alternated between faster and easier paddling. Unfortunately, still feeling the effects of last week's crash, in which, of course, I hit my bad shoulder on the ground. I found myself thinking today, gee, it feels like someone punched me in the shoulder... duh. At 45 minutes out, I decided that it was still bothering me and that it may be smart to cut it short. Probably wouldn't have done any real damage, but I figure it's better to be safe in things like this. Had gone lighter on Tue at cross fit, and I was noticing it a lot then, also on Thursday I could still feel it. Goal for the week is to try to add in the shoulder PT every day even at home.

Saturday Sep 13, 2014 #

Mountain Bike (Potowatomi Trail) 2:51:00 [3] 23.5 mi (8.2 mph)

Slept in like I like to do on weekends. Weather forecast was rain for my area and north, but to the south, it looked clear. I needed hills, so to the Poto I went. It's exactly the kind of hills I need to practice - the short steep kind. Also, many technical climbs. Short+steep+technical = my worst thing.

Ran into Heidi in the parking lot as she was all done with the Triple Trail Challenge. I forgot about that! She said that the bridges were slick, and I was glad for the tip. However, as I got out and rode, everything had dried out with the warmer, sunny afternoon weather. +1 for sleeping in! (of course -1 for not getting to ride with people)

Had some moments of glory and other moments of terrible. Dropped my chain multiple times including once on the back that made me happy to have full gloves on to pull it out. I suppose it's time for a tune. Rode the whole Poto once and the Crooked Lake once. There was a downed power line on the trail so a short portion was closed with a road detour. I feel like I never ride this trail when I'm at my best. I'm sure I could do better.

Run 1:00:00 [3]

Second half of brick - run/trek on trail (with pack) I'm separating the run and trek here, but they were interspersed. I was tired and hips/glutes were sore/tired/something. Sometimes, I was more motivated to run than others. The middle was particularly tough, but I recovered and did a lot more running toward the end. Should have strava'd it, but didn't, so no distance. Achilles was ok, though I still feel a tingle on the heel after sitting in the car a long time. PT told me that vibration can irritate this type of injury. Guess that's it.

Hike 1:45:00 [3]

Interspersed with run. Tried to mimic how we would run/trek at a 24+ race. Really the perfect evening for this.

Friday Sep 12, 2014 #

Hike 2:26:00 [3]

Another rainy day. Headed to Pine Haven after work and trekked out to the hills and did loops/repeats on the hills. Glutes a bit sore from the pistol squats yesterday, but just the right amount of sore. Last 40 minutes in the dark. I have this weird thing where I'm ok at first doing things outside alone after dark, but my fear starts to grow and I get freaked out really easily. What was that? Oh, just a branch...

Thursday Sep 11, 2014 #

Strength Training 50:00 [3]

Actually did this on my own since i was trying to squeeze it in after work and before the bike workout (lunch workout got overrun by customer calls)

Warm-up: 5 min easy run, 20 squats with 5 lb dumbells

Workout: Every 2 minutes, 10 squats with 2x 30 lb dumbells
3x10 Scapular "Pull ups" (to try to work my way up to full dead hang pull ups) 1 min rest between

PT work on shoulder as it was sore after my crash - internal and external rotation, 3 rounds each movement, each side

2 sets of 20 one-leg squats

5 rounds EMOTM 10 push ups

Mountain Bike (Hills) 1:44:00 [3] 18.2 mi (10.5 mph)

West Branch

This was a real test of my mental abilities. Thought I had dressed appropriately, but it was only comfortable on the up hills... downhill I froze. Oddly, couldn't stop yawning on the warm-up.
2x extended hill climb
6x standard hill climb with 2 minutes of standing climbing. Good thing I have the distances memorized for start/sit/finish each climb because I just went with the handlebar light (no helmet light) today.
After the second climb, it started a cold drizzle, and the recovery interval/decent was miserable. During the third climb, the drizzle picked up and I gave myself permission to drop 2 intervals and just go back and do the 4th on the lesser hill on the ride back. So, I cut the recovery interval and turned right back at the top of the hill. Surprisingly, it stopped raining and the shorter recovery made it feel not so cold, so I bargained myself one more interval and then another, but with reduced recovery. SO, I got all the intervals in for the day! WOo! The ride back wasn't even as bad as I thought it would be.
I think this was overall pretty slow/weak, but at least I got it in despite feeling tired and less than motivated. Got through it by reminding myself that I was banking the mental toughness factor and thinking of our goal at Nationals in a few weeks. Almost there!

Tuesday Sep 9, 2014 #

Mountain Bike 1:24:00 [3] 20.2 mi (14.4 mph)

5x10 minute intervals on the road

Strength Training 1:00:00 [3]

30 Clean & Jerk for time
75# - 10:01

Strength - Deadlift 5x2 every 3 min

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