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Training Log Archive: Arnold

In the 31 days ending Jan 31, 2004:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Running15 18:23:01 148.67(7:25) 239.26(4:37) 1150
  Downhill Skiing2 2:00:00
  Strength4 2:00:00
  Orienteering1 1:09:08 6.71(10:18) 10.8(6:24)
  Total20 23:32:09 155.38 250.07 1150

» now

Saturday Jan 31, 2004 #

Running 2:15:33 [3] 29.0 km (4:40 / km) +200m 4:31 / km

Long run with Anthony - out by train to Versailles, then back from there through Jouy, Chaville, Fausses reposes, Marnes and Parc de St Cloud to end of Parisian metro.

Pretty good overall, high speed all the way to the end!

Thursday Jan 29, 2004 #

Running 1:04:57 [4] 14.0 km (4:38 / km)

Run home through Bois de Boulogne.

Tried out Abi's running interval session, 3 minutes fast/1 minute slow without stopping (10 times ie 40 minutes altogether, with 10 minutes warmup before and 15 warmdown at the end).

Felt quite good despite the effort, at least time goes by reasonably quickly.

Must say, the view down from Trocadero over the illuminated Eiffel Tower, Champ de Mars, the Ecole Militaire in the mliddle and Invalides in the back has to rank as one of the most impressive in the world. It's certainly a treat at the end of each run

Wednesday Jan 28, 2004 #

Strength 30:00 [3]

2 sets, felt ok

Tuesday Jan 27, 2004 #

Running 1:26:08 [4] 19.5 km (4:25 / km)

Fast run home from work through Bois de Boulogne. Pretty "bullish" effort for 9pm start, but happy I got it out of the way early in the week...feeling it now in the morning though..

Had to do an extra loop at the end as the Chinese prime minister is in town and they close off half of my quartier

Sunday Jan 25, 2004 #

Orienteering 1:09:08 [4] 10.8 km (6:24 / km)

Local race in Fontainebleau. Not a bad run but too many small mistakes (probably 4 mins in total), and very tired from yesterday's run, so hard work. But a nice day for a change!

Missed my chance to win an event in France once again, fastest time was 66

Running 40:00 [2] 5.0 mi (8:00 / mi)

5 minutes warmup and a rather long warmdown with Anthony, checking a few more control sites

Saturday Jan 24, 2004 #

Running 2:00:11 [3] 26.0 km (4:37 / km)

Long run on my own, from home through Bois de Boulogne (north loop) to Parc de St Cloud, loop through the park and back via the métro from Pont de St Cloud.

Good effort, tough on the last 30 minutes but at least the first hour was very nice - sunshine and reasonably warm!!

Thursday Jan 22, 2004 #

Running 44:00 [3] 10.0 km (4:24 / km)

Run home through Bois. Rain

Wednesday Jan 21, 2004 #

Running 44:00 [3] 10.0 km (4:24 / km)

Run back from work, decent speed (I was late)

Tuesday Jan 20, 2004 #

Strength 30:00 [3]

2 sets, a bit sore from skiiing but ok

Sunday Jan 18, 2004 #

Downhill Skiing 1:00:00 [3]

Another 5 hours' worth, same conditions

Saturday Jan 17, 2004 #

Downhill Skiing 1:00:00 [3]

About 5 hours' of skiing in Val d'Isère...snow was good but visibility bad, so quite a decent workout (was sweating profusely)

Thursday Jan 15, 2004 #

Running 45:00 [3] 10.5 km (4:17 / km)

Brrr, rough run back from work. Cold, very windy and I didn't feel so well.

Oh well, as I read in an interview of Simone today, "you need some lows in order to have peaks", so I'll consider it necessary preparation for peaking. It was a very interesting article actually, the gist of it being that it's all about planning and not letting anything be down to luck (for example running a race week just like WOC one month and two months before), but the troughs/peaks thing was particularly interesting, along the lines of "on the rest day, I allowed myself to feel tired so that the next (race) day I could fully concentrate on feeling strong again". So apparently, it's all in your head..

Tuesday Jan 13, 2004 #

Running 50:15 [3] 11.0 km (4:34 / km)

Run back from work through Bois de Boulogne (short version) - fast loop of Champ de Mars (5:52)
Felt quite tired (have felt tired all day), and it's an easy week so decided to wimp out

Sunday Jan 11, 2004 #

Running 45:46 [4] 10.5 km (4:22 / km)

Tourist run around Paris, quite fast but lots of wind. Felt pretty good!

Strength 30:00 [3]

2 sets after running

Saturday Jan 10, 2004 #

Running 7:00 [3] 1.0 mi (7:00 / mi)

Run to train station

Running 1:46:00 [3] 22.0 km (4:49 / km) +400m 4:25 / km

Pretty hungover, but managed to crawl around the run..

Wednesday Jan 7, 2004 #

Running 13:30 [4] 3.0 km (4:30 / km)

Run home to pick up Abi. Cold.

Running 47:30 [3] 10.5 km (4:31 / km)

Tourist run with Abi. Very slow time even though we ran quite hard in the middle, but the slowish warmup and warmdown came back to bite us

Tuesday Jan 6, 2004 #

Running 1:21:30 [4] 18.0 km (4:32 / km)

Run home from work, long version through Bois de Boulogne. Felt pretty decent, a little tired but ok given high-ish speed. Tired on last 10 minutes.

There are so many hookers around this place at night, it is quite a show!

Sunday Jan 4, 2004 #

Running 7:00 [3] 1.0 mi (7:00 / mi)

Run to train station. Had 30 secs before the train left, for a change!!

Running 1:45:36 [3] 22.0 km (4:48 / km) +400m 4:24 / km

Good speed long run with Abi back in Meudon near Paris. Felt ok, a little weak on the uphills.

It is SO cold in Paris (wet air and close to freezing), ugh

Friday Jan 2, 2004 #

Running 59:05 [3] 12.0 km (4:55 / km) +150m 4:38 / km

Reasonable speed run with Abi in Fes, Morocco. Would be a nice area for Orienteering (hillside with some squiggles) except for all the rubbish..must make sure I decontaminate my shoes at the end of the run.

Felt a lot better than Wednesday

Thursday Jan 1, 2004 #

Strength 30:00 [3]

Two sets in Fes, Morocco

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