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Training Log Archive: GaryHouse

In the 7 days ending Oct 23, 2016:

activity # timemileskm+m
  trail running 6 6:52:00 45.7(9:01) 73.55(5:36) 786
  road running5 6:34:00 35.7(11:02) 57.45(6:51) 1137
  track run1 2:28:00 17.8(8:19) 28.65(5:10)
  Total11 15:54:00 99.2(9:37) 159.65(5:59) 1923
  [1-5]10 14:42:00

» now

Sunday Oct 23, 2016 #

11 AM

track run (endurance run) 2:28:00 [3] 17.8 mi (8:19 / mi)
shoes: Salomon SLAB Sense

Started the run pretty cold because I had been stood around supporting my group at a local 10k.......

Apparently the event is ran in lane 6 so I did the same from the start only dipping off track to grab some drink or a banana.

Took my headphones and listened to a podcast his time to try and stop myself going mad. Seemed to work OK I guess but won't make a habit of it.

I started the 30 minute STEADY a few minutes early so I figured I could get around 4 miles done which made I easy to think about mentally....

Felt a little tired but only because I had a late evening on Friday followed by a full day on Saturday before supporting Sunday morning so more brain fried than anything else.

Saturday Oct 22, 2016 #

9 AM

trail running (training plan) 1:05:00 [4] 8.6 mi (7:34 / mi) +270m 6:53 / mi
shoes: Salomon Speed

60 steady with speed variations

I was working down at Coed Y Brenin this morning alongside Matt Ward for some of my members so I used the trails there beforehand but just ran part one of the marked routes (goldrush)

I mixed up the effort depending on the terrain with Lots of technical singletrack and switchbacks....

Knee felt fine and had a few hours of coaching/talking before guiding the group on the equivalent of a regeneration run.

3 PM

trail running (regeneration) 54:00 [1] 3.1 mi (17:25 / mi) +160m 15:01 / mi
shoes: Salomon Speed

very easy guided run - no issues but ate too much flapjack.

Friday Oct 21, 2016 #

10 AM

trail running (specefic endurance) 2:04:00 [3] 14.1 mi (8:48 / mi) +213m 8:24 / mi
shoes: Salomon Prototype

I travelled 45 minutes to Llyn Brenig.

Its a 9.5 mile-ish loop round the lake and rolling trails which I haven't done for a good few years.

You can link it up with Llyn Alwen for a longer run of around 20 miles so good training ground to keep it interesting without climbing too much.

Today I felt really good and it was a very fresh and bright morning....there is a bit of a climb at around 7 miles which I took it easy on the on the downhill felt my knee tightening or some discomfort. It only took around 2 minutes to run down but at the bottom I had to play around giving the popliteal a rub (not the attachment) similar to when I did some fast running around 10 days ago...

This seemed to fix the problem again and back on the flat I had no issue apart from a slight niggle for the rest of the run

had to do bit extra going out and back to make the time up which was no problem before having some soup in the nice café.

Will definitely use the area again for long training runs

Thursday Oct 20, 2016 #

6 AM

trail running (regeneration) 52:00 [0] 4.1 mi (12:41 / mi)
shoes: vivo primus trail

I now look after Winter all day until 5pm on a Thursday at home so the routine will be early regeneration with the dog before she gets up followed by regeneration at work in the evening.....

The day can be spent on the floor with Winter stretching/moving/triggerpoint therapy while she plays with a walk or swim thrown in mid day.

This won't change so will keep a good recovery routine

No issues - easy run around two football pitches within half a mile from the house

Wednesday Oct 19, 2016 #

9 AM

road running (work/regen) 1:26:00 [2] 6.7 mi (12:50 / mi) +281m 11:21 / mi
shoes: Salomon Prototype

Easy coaching on a mix of trail and road for two different sessions.

Some technique drills, long hill reps (up and down) for client in the Snowdonia Marathon.

Easy morning
4 PM

road running (training plan) 20:00 [0] 1.9 mi (10:32 / mi) +12m 10:19 / mi
shoes: Salomon Prototype

easy running before progressive run

trail running (progressive run) 1:01:00 [4] 8.4 mi (7:16 / mi) +106m 6:59 / mi
shoes: Salomon Prototype

60' Progressive Run (Final 10' @ Threshold)


Used the did -used quarry tracks that are an easy run away so suited...

I tried to go by feel as much as possible and only glanced down at the watch a few times in between mile splits....

Seemed comfortable for a long time with just the odd short sharp climb that could throw me off but managed the effort OK.

Once I started the last 10 mins it felt comfortable still so I might have gone a bit too quick in the last five minutes because the last two minutes really wasn't too pretty. I had no idea of pace in the last 10 minutes either though so in hindsight had some room to relax a little.....enjoyed the session though and zero niggles in knee/glute anything.

Had a group session straight after so used that as easy warm down.

Tuesday Oct 18, 2016 #

8 AM

trail running (training plan) 56:00 [4] 7.4 mi (7:34 / mi) +37m 7:27 / mi
shoes: Salomon Prototype

60' Steady + 6 x Hill Sprints

Used the same park trails as last weeks similar session and this time very little issue with the knee - still quite tender afterwards on the popliteal attachment area but is getting less each time...

The weather was shit which wasn't a bad thing - haven't actually ran in the rain for a long time!!

Didn't feel like I was pushing too hard at all but didn't want too either.

Some discomfort in my Glute towards the end of the steady running but had no issues on the hill sprints.

The weather had cleared for the sprints so meant the recovery window wasn't an issue hanging around.... this week I chose a hill longer enough to do all 6 sprints while working my way up meaning each one was slightly different but stuck to the same rules.

Fun session today

6 PM

road running (work/regen) 55:00 [1] 3.7 mi (14:52 / mi) +148m 13:13 / mi
shoes: Salomon Prototype

Group run around 1 lap of a local 10k lots of them are taking part in at the weekend.....easy and no issue

Monday Oct 17, 2016 #

8 AM

road running (training plan) 3:02:00 [3] 20.6 mi (8:50 / mi) +680m 8:01 / mi
shoes: Salomon Prototype

Went down to the track for 7:30am but it doesn't open until 9am......didn't think about checking!

I was kind of pleased if I'm honest that I had to go to the canal path instead.

The first two hours passed pretty easily only struggling with slow pace on a cold morning.....the pace kept consistent each mile though and the last hour did drag bit and I was maybe a little low on energy (had just grabbed a banana on the way out)

more confidence with the knee each day although it did start to tighten in the last hour a little bit if I was being honest.

My Glute Med is still in some spasm after the back issue which I am working on each day via trigger point therapy. Definitely working........

Home to a decent breakfast
6 PM

road running (work/regen) 51:00 [1] 2.8 mi (18:13 / mi) +16m 17:54 / mi
shoes: vivo primus trail

Easy coaching on the park trails....tired from early effort and having o look after Winter inbetween but no issues

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