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Training Log Archive: Slice

In the 7 days ending Jan 6, 2007:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Running2 2:20:00
  MTB1 47:00 12.3(3:49) 19.8(2:22)
  Adventure Racing1 42:00
  Total3 3:49:00 12.3 19.8

» now

Saturday Jan 6, 2007 #


Left calf still hurts like a %&*$%#@. Definitely did some dammage on Thursday. Much to my chagrin, my body is screaming for me to me easy on it until it heals. No need to turn this into something chronic.

Friday Jan 5, 2007 #


As much as I really wanted to get back on the bandwagon after a lazy holiday break, I found myself today not having any time in my day to do anything fun. Besides, the screaming pain in my calves might be telling me that I went a little too hard last night. Man oh man! Ouch! Not sure if that workout made me stronger, or just did some permanent dammage.....

Thursday Jan 4, 2007 #

Running (Stairs) 1:00:00 [5]

TNT: Zoolander, TVP, Hammer, jbird and Greta. Pyramid of Pain n' Puke. Skipped a couple of the longer flights so I could keep the cookies in. Legs felt like they got worked and turned to jello. My lungs were workin' so hard that I actually felt dizzy. Or was it the pre-workout nutrition of a Snicker's bar that did me in? (the store that had healthier things was closed....) Mental note: bring more food to school on longer days!

Running warm up/down 20:00 [2]

Warm up run to Chedoke via the usual Bob route even though she couldn't make it.

Wednesday Jan 3, 2007 #

MTB (Road) 47:00 [4] 19.8 km (2:22 / km)

Down Missy Road to PC and back. Felt like a superstar on my way down. Didn't feel as good on the way back up with the wind in my face. Need to do more interval training on the bike.

Tuesday Jan 2, 2007 #


Maybe this is a lame excuse, but I went to the eye doctor today, and I got those little drops in your eyes that make everything blurry. Well, 7 hours later, one of my eyes is still blurry while the other is crystal clear. I sit here typing with one eye closed. I thought of going for a ride tonight, but I'm a little worried about perception and crashing onto my head and permanently dammaging my other eye. I'll do double tomorrow after I wake up and find that my eye is all better. Promise. Maybe I'm just lazy and this is a good excuse.....

Oh, and yes, everyone can now officially call me four-eyes. I have joined the ranks of the visually assisted. (but I do still seem quite sharp with that paintball gun, eh Leanimal?) Fortunately, Doc says it shouldn't affect speed through the woods though. As long as there aren't too many trees.

Sunday Dec 31, 2006 #

Adventure Racing race 42:00 [3]

Chuck Norris Adventure Challenge For Jerks (The Sequel).

I was lucky enough to be teamed up with Bash for this year's annual CNACFJ. As she so eloquently wrote in her entry, we were sailing along just smoothly....I could visualize the tacky Santa trophy in our hot little hands....and were so close to victory... had it not been for a slight mis-reading of the instructions, and our inability to accurately count the number of driveways along Leanimal's street, we might have usurped Zoolander and La Femme Nickita of their first place finish. Ah, maybe next year!

Bash pretty much sums up the rest of the evening quite well in her entry for this day, so I don't have much to add other than the fact that I've made it a New Year's resolution to work on my fox impersonations so I won't disapoint the ladies on Dec 31st 2007.


Various Paintball Games

With most of the CNACFJ crew, games involved one shooter and others running about like wild prey trying not to get shot.

Time: 60 minutes of actual running time (20 minutes of hiding time??)
Intensity: 4 to 5 (especially when Zoolander, Hansel, or La Femme had the gun) Oh yeah, and I forgot to mention that I accidentally shot Leanimal in the head. Sorry Lee!!!

Running 20:00 [4]

See paintball notes

Running 40:00 [3]

See paintball notes

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