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Training Log Archive: Ifor

In the 7 days ending Aug 7, 2010:

activity # timemileskm+mload
  Cycling12 25:44:22 347.1(13.5/h) 558.6(21.7/h) 110902524.5
  Total12 25:44:22 347.1(4:27) 558.6(2:46) 110902524.5

» now

Saturday Aug 7, 2010 #

9 AM

Cycling 1:59:26 intensity: (55:13 @1) + (57:46 @2) + (6:27 @3) 42.5 km (21.4 kph) +940m
ahr:114 max:147 shoes: Scale

7-08-2010 9AM BF_123

Loop into the top of the Flumen gorge which the tour must of come up this year with the new tarmac with lots of very new paint on it. A quick but very twisty decent. Then Left and up the col de la Croix de la Serra. This a very steady gradent just the one flatter bit part way up just befor the les Bouchoux turn. Back down off the top and though les Bouchoux on up to the van. Going though the village I past about a 7 year on the side of the road with his proper racer (with tow clips) 50m uo the road he flyes past me but only for anouth 50m by which time I grind back by him.

42.05 01:58:56 21.2 02:03:57 20.3 941 -944 4.4
00:55:13 00:57:46 00:06:27 00:00:00 00:00:00 147 114
From bike_logs
2 PM

Cycling (road) 2:08:35 intensity: (1:10:50 @1) + (31:49 @2) + (22:12 @3) + (3:44 @4) 45.9 km (21.4 kph) +760m
ahr:116 max:154 shoes: Scale

7-08-2010 2PM BF_124

From Mataflon-Granges down into the l'Ain gorge down river to cross over the bridge at Cize then on to Hautecourt-romaneche and the Col du Berthiand climb. This was not as hard as described in the book whish says it has a 500m section at 15% but the most I saw was 10%. With the heat and my knackered state that was quite enough for me though.

45.924 02:07:35 21.5 02:19:18 19.7 766 -766 3.3
01:10:50 00:31:49 00:22:12 00:03:44 00:00:00 154 116
From bike_logs

Friday Aug 6, 2010 #

9 AM

Cycling (road) 1:42:20 intensity: (57:58 @1) + (44:22 @2) 37.8 km (22.2 kph) +670m
ahr:110 max:139 shoes: Scale

6-08-2010 9AM BF_121

A loop taking in the Cote des Rousses. Nice small roads though the woods initaly then the main road for the climb which was fairly easy but busy with trafic. Pleasant ride by the lake back to the Van. lots of sighns of the tour around here as there was a stage finish and start in le Rousses but without getting online I am not sure how the actualy came in and left town.

37.829 01:41:50 22.2 01:51:11 20.4 675 -677 3.5
00:57:58 00:44:22 00:00:00 00:00:00 00:00:00 139 110
From bike_logs
2 PM

Cycling (road) 1:59:00 intensity: (1:02:31 @1) + (36:09 @2) + (12:11 @3) + (7:49 @4) + (20 @5) 40.2 km (20.3 kph) +910m
ahr:113 max:161 shoes: Scale

6-08-2010 2PM BF_122

A loop from the top of the Col de la Faucille. Again some realy nice small roads along the top of the ridge then down. A bit slow down as gravely in places and some rocks on the road as well as being small and twisty. Then up the main road climb. Pushed on fairly hard towards the top.

40.222 01:57:40 20.5 02:07:09 18.9 912 -913 4.5
01:02:31 00:36:09 00:12:11 00:07:49 00:00:20 161 113
From bike_logs

Thursday Aug 5, 2010 #

9 AM

Cycling (road) 2:25:06 intensity: (1:19:28 @1) + (1:04:11 @2) + (1:27 @3) 51.5 km (21.3 kph) +1030m

5-08-2010 9AM BF_119

A loop around and up to Vue des Alpes. In the Swiss Jura. Just about got most of the ride done in the dry between the overnight and the lunchtime rain. Was feeling fairly tired comming up the hill. No view in and out of the cloud at the top.

I am curently parked up where you will swap from Train to bus if taking the public transport for the WMOC long final tomorow. Not so good planning on my part but my O is so bad I would not make the A final.

51.595 02:24:26 21.4 02:30:40 20.5 1037 -1045 4
01:19:28 01:04:11 00:01:27 00:00:00 00:00:00 146 112
From bike_logs
5 PM

Cycling (road) 1:11:07 intensity: (31:19 @1) + (39:48 @2) 22.9 km (19.3 kph) +550m
ahr:109 max:138 shoes: Scale

5-08-2010 5PM BF_120

Col du Mollendruz. For the first time the book and the ground just did not match. I set off up what I though was the right road but just a bit up it I found a big notice board with a good quality big map on it. The map clearly had the col on it with a good B road going up it and an altitude that matched the book. Problem is it started in a village about 4 miles away. The road I was on actualy went to the top of the hill far further and higher than the description. Another road out of the village headed towards the coll but stoped about 2km and 100m higher up above the coll. There only looked to be dirt tracks twisting in between. I went and re-started on the other village and did the col on the other road which had the right climb but all at a good steady gradent unlike the description. From the top of the coll there were only the expected dirt roads that may lead to where the other road from the village was heading.

22.965 01:10:17 19.6 01:32:48 14.8 555 -556 4.8
00:31:19 00:39:48 00:00:00 00:00:00 00:00:00 138 109
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Wednesday Aug 4, 2010 #

9 AM

Cycling (road) 3:18:15 intensity: (1:44:51 @1) + (1:16:36 @2) + (13:55 @3) + (2:53 @4) 72.9 km (22.1 kph) +1460m
ahr:114 max:156 shoes: Scale

4-08-2010 9AM BF_118
Loop over the Ballon de Servance which was not as hard as the book indicated, it talked about 3 kn of 10-12% but in reality only the middle km averages over 10% and the most I saw was 11.5% A very small road though and very little traffic 2 cars up 3 bikes on the way down coming the other way. The around and up the Ballon d'Alsace which is regarded as the first proper tour climb in 1905. A very stedy gradent 6-7% for 9km on a good big but not too busy road. Pushed on a bit towards the top. That's the last of the Vosege tour climbs now onto the Jura where there are not so many.

72.982 03:16:45 22.2 03:34:22 20.4 1468 -1462 4
01:44:51 01:16:36 00:13:55 00:02:53 00:00:00 156 114
From bike_logs

Tuesday Aug 3, 2010 #

9 AM

Cycling (road) 2:40:10 intensity: (1:06:52 @1) + (1:16:45 @2) + (14:11 @3) + (2:22 @4) 62.3 km (23.3 kph) +1080m
ahr:121 max:155 shoes: Scale

3-08-2010 9AM BF_116
North along the route des cretes to the Col de la Schtucht then same decent down to Munster as yesterday then up the Valled though Metzeral and the steep climb to col du Platzerwasel and back along the ridge to the van. van was out of the cloud setting out but after a few km it was misty and decidedly damp to the Schtucht once a km down though you were out of the cloud and it was nice and sunny in Munster. legs not to bad up the big climb, it's a tough one lots at 9%.

62.339 02:39:20 23.4 02:47:24 22.3 1087 -1090 3.4
01:06:52 01:16:45 00:14:11 00:02:22 00:00:00 155 121

From bike_logs
2 PM

Cycling (road) 2:23:46 intensity: (44:48 @1) + (1:12:41 @2) + (25:38 @3) + (39 @4) 57.5 km (24.0 kph) +990m
ahr:124 max:153 shoes: Scale

3-08-2010 1.30Pm BF_117
After Lunch at the van a loop to the south. A long decent to Kruth then down the main valley road to the bottom of the Grand Ballon climb. This passes though the col Amic about half way up. legs not so good especialy on the bottom slops of this got into a decent rythm as things went on though and flew along once up high back to the van. Weather a lot nicer this afternoon lots of people out cyceling. Alot coming up my decent route which was long but fairly steady.

57.544 02:23:46 24 02:29:55 23 994 -996 3.4
00:44:48 01:12:41 00:25:38 00:00:39 00:00:00 153 124
From bike_logs

Monday Aug 2, 2010 #

1 PM

Cycling (road) 2:28:20 intensity: (58:47 @1) + (1:29:33 @2) 50.5 km (20.4 kph) +1110m
ahr:113 max:139 shoes: Scale

was meaning to do 3 climbs today but it was reaning in the morning so just drove to Munster where all three start and found an internet connection. After lunch it had stoped raining enough for the road to dry out by the van so set out. Started pissing dawn after 5 minutes but I was on my way by then. Very steady first up the Collet du Linge 975m where 10000 french men lost there lives in world war I. There is a big recreation of some of the battlefield with trenchech and barbed wire etc. they wanted 5 euro to go around so I past on that. Then down to about a third of the way up the Col de la Schlucht which is a very well graded main road at 4-5% for 12 km where I joined it. I was glad of the flashers in the fog I went though both uip and down had them on full power so at least the cars had a chance to see me. Worst of the rain was in the last 5 minutes comming back when it realy came down hard, luckily I was decending with my cag on anyway.

50.5 02:27:00 20.6 02:44:14 18.4 1117 -1119 4.4
00:58:47 01:29:33 00:00:00 00:00:00 00:00:00 139 113
From bike_logs

Sunday Aug 1, 2010 #

9 AM

Cycling (road) 1:42:38 intensity: (45:41 @1) + (29:24 @2) + (24:20 @3) + (3:13 @4) 37.6 km (22.0 kph) +820m
ahr:119 max:153 shoes: Scale

1-08-2010 10AM BF_113
Col du Bonhomme from ste-marie-aux-mines over the col des bagenelle on route as you actiualy drop onto the Bonhomme which is at a crossroads. Was going steady on the way up but then got someone catching me up so I speeded up a bit and droped them but was then commited to the quicker pace... Lots of people out on bikes. Nice fast decent back the way I had come.

37.646 01:42:18 22 01:48:32 20.8 826 -823 4.3
00:45:41 00:29:24 00:24:20 00:03:13 00:00:00 153 119
From bike_logs

3 PM

Cycling (road) 1:45:39 intensity: (48:37 @1) + (57:02 @2) 37.0 km (21.0 kph) +770m
ahr:111 max:138 shoes: Scale

1-08-2010 3PM BF_114
col du Calvaire. Started a couple of km from the top did a loop down though Orbey. A very fast decent. Up the main road was not so nice too many cars out on a butifull Sunday afternoon. The gradent is all very steady just span the legs out not being able to push at all. Lots of people around large numbers out picking wimburys.

37.043 01:45:09 21.1 01:48:22 20.5 770 -769 4.1
00:48:37 00:57:02 00:00:00 00:00:00 00:00:00 138 111
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