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Discussion: Newbie -- am I ready for 30hr?

in: Adventure Racing; Training & Technique

Aug 28, 2016 9:18 PM # 
Starting to question my readinness for AR!! find it hard to get started ..not a lot of events in SOCAL, but looking at 30hr in a few weeks. I've done one 8-hr AR. I have done several 24-hr military style ruck events, long obstacle course races; but I'm not a classic endurance athlete.. I do train MTB/trail/ruck 5-8 hrs during weekends.

I have never done a marathon, triathlon, ultra, etc (because common road events don't appeal to me).. should I compete in off-road marathon or ultra before trying 30-hr AR? I car run forever in "zone-2," but I am horribly slow.. approx 15 mins/mile...

no teams around here.. i am hesitant to join a team i don't know and slow them down

Apologies if neurotic !!!
Aug 28, 2016 11:32 PM # 
Mr Wonderful:
If you don't get lost too much, you can do quite well at a 24 without bothering to run.

Sounds like you have more than enough background.

I wouldn't bother with a marathon, tri or ultra.

I always advocate for spending as much time on navigation as possible, unless you are partnering up with someone already skilled in the arts, and even then it doesn't hurt to be good yourself.

EG, anything from these guys or similar.
Aug 28, 2016 11:38 PM # 
Yamabu, the one question I have is: does the race you are considering suggest it is beginner accessible? Most races have plans in place to accommodate racers such as yourself, so if the RDs say yes, than I'd say go for it! Sounds like you have as much if not more experience than many people who take the plunge into longer races. As long as your goals align well with your teammates, whoever they might end up being, I don't think you need to worry about your speed. I wouldn't be surprised if most people in this sport feel in over their head when they do their first longer race, so I think it's more about making sure the event is suitable to different levels and that your teammates are a good fit. If those two things are in line, I'd say go for it and you'll hopefully have a great experience regardless!

When I started I had never run any race of any length. I did a handful of sprints and one 12 hour before my first 24 hour event, but not a single running or biking or tri event, nor did I do any other 24 hour type events. Almost everyone who does AR finishes races amazed at what their bodies could handle, and I'm sure it will be the same for you. And if you have done some 24 hour type events you have a major advantage over most people taking on their first long AR since you already have experienced sleep deprivation. Yeah, I think you'll be fine:)
Aug 29, 2016 12:00 AM # 
I would guess that 10% of the racers on my podcast have started with an expedition race. You will be fine. Now get started, we need new blood in the sport.
Aug 29, 2016 1:08 AM # 
Really appreciate it Mr B, broots, LRE ... i think aligning with team is the key, that's my only concern (AMK probably wont be offering me a position anytime soon) Thanks!

(randy, you sure do get around in AR media!!! -- listened today)
Aug 29, 2016 3:35 AM # 
That's why he's Legendary! :-)

Best of luck with the event, you sound more than ready. Part of it is simply believing you can do it & the other part is mental strength when your body is screaming at you to go home.

Enjoy! !
Aug 29, 2016 4:13 AM # 
Email Adrian Crane or Mark Richardson, usually the two main Gold Rush directors. They may know like-minded racers. Keep at it, it's been the most rewarding sport I've been in because I've learned so much about myself and how to define "comfort" in the wild.
Aug 29, 2016 4:16 AM # 
Thanks again!
Aug 29, 2016 4:57 AM # 
You're welcome. And I know that I sound like that guy, the goofy one at the group run or ride. I'm ok with it.
Aug 29, 2016 12:37 PM # 
all you AR people are "goofy" .. :)

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