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Discussion: Running!

in: mnickel; mnickel > 2009-01-07

Jan 8, 2009 8:54 AM # 
>>spent the entire run feeling like i was going to a) die

You're so enthusiastic ;-)! Be careful with b) though; cars are so annoying on runs!

And the ceiling/median/cellar numbers from high school are only for running one mile by itself at max it's completely different when you run over 3 miles together and for a workout...I guess what I'm trying to say is that you're doing AMAZINGLY WELL, and I'm so excited that you're liking running :).

Happy last few days of break!
Jan 8, 2009 7:45 PM # 
THANKS!!!!!! I noticed last time i ran the lake that i am a very easy person to motivate. I saw this walker twice and he just said, "you're doing great, keep it up". and thats the day i ran the lake twice. so, the psycho 6 mile day. the end. totally random.
and im so excited that my time is getting better. and that i'll hopefully do well in my running class.
and thanks for the info on ceilings, medians, and cellars. because now i'm even more happy w/ my time!
however, i cant wait to go back to my torture classes... hehehe! yeah ABsolution and butts guts and thighs and muscle cut! my arms are getting PATHETIC. even w/ the shoulder things and some other stuff... I was at Guitar Center w/ Jason today and he was showing me some chords and i could hardly hold the bass. hahaha...SAD!
long and lots of irrelevant stories. i hope you enjoy my randomness...
Jan 8, 2009 7:45 PM # 
Enjoy your last days of break and have an AMAZING!!!! time this weekend!!!! btw, i think we can pick you up. i should probably call you to confirm times and stuff!
Jan 8, 2009 7:48 PM # 
oh, my enthusiasm is what almost got me a B in gym... hahaha. i should just stop whining. wow, im really spamming my log today...
Jan 8, 2009 10:05 PM # 
>>i cant wait to go back to my torture classes

*shakes head*...crazy.

>> btw, i think we can pick you up.

yay! Thanks SO MUCH.

...and guess what???? I'm FINALLY FILLING OUT THE PAPERWORK FOR UNCCHO! And there's actually not very much of it. I mean, the manual *is* literally 40 pages, but there is only about 1 useful paragraph, and I'm pretty sure we only have to write up a short Statement of Purpose--which they give a template for--and the nasty Constitution & Bylaws is optional. And then we have to pick up some form in the union.

Anyway...we have to have titles for officers. So what role would you like to be? And Amelia? Kate?
Jan 9, 2009 4:14 AM # 
can i be secretary? wow, i spelled that right. i was awaiting a little red dotted line.

btw, my mom said we can't pick you up unless you come to torture classes w/ me. hehehe. its so weird how to me they are not torture but running used to be and you are the opposite. and then there is Amelia who is avidly against abs work. i dont think i could survive w/o it. its probably a dance thing. i am used to doing things that tone, lengthen, strengthen, stretch, and such. and you are used to running. so, yeah, its really not tortuous for me. except for this one girl who teaches the abs class, but then i just feel good cuz i know its probably very effective. and thirty minutes isnt that hard to get through. so i guess its not fair to make you come to something tortuous if its not as bad for me. but, you still should. im quite sure its good for you...
sorry for rambling.

who is going to be treasurer? are we having a vp?

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