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Discussion: 4th split

in: chitownclark; chitownclark > 2011-03-21

Mar 21, 2011 12:25 PM # 
could be a bit of fatigue. Adequate rest could help improve your times. I have found other years that I reach a point of reversing gains in terms of rowing pace after keeping at it for several weeks. You only need 4 days out of the next 10 to complete the March challenge. I need 10 out of 11, counting today, and I'm not sure I'll get there. My hand is a bit cranky this morning. I will row this morning, but may shut it down for a few weeks if it gets any worse.
Mar 21, 2011 9:22 PM # 
Thanks Charlie. Sorry about the hands. But it is nice to see you rowing again. Hope the pain diminishes. Is the origin of your trouble soft tissue, ligament or bone? With all the lifting you log, your bones must be in great shape! But doesn't that also contribute to the problem? Do you supplement with calcium to provide raw material for bone building? I take a couple capsules of "Bone-up" daily, but I do very little lifting, much to my doctor's dismay. He's a big advocate of weight lifting for old AND women.

I may knock off the rowing for a few days. But not this week; it may be my only exercise. Snow is again forecast. So I'll be house-bound for a few days, after a beautiful day of golf in the sunny 60's today.
Mar 21, 2011 10:33 PM # 
I think it is a tendon issue, although it could be a ligament, I suppose. My left hand is just not as strong as my right. I also have some forearm strain on the left, although rowing doesn't seem to bother it.

I am not so regular about weight lifting. I do like it, but it is hard to be motivated without a partner. Sometimes Rhonda is interested, and right now my son Zack is very interested, so I am taking advantage of having a kid who is suddenly willing to spend some time with his dad. I have not taken any supplements. Perhaps a good idea.

We also had snow today - maybe 2" of fairly wet stuff that may not last long. The woods were very pretty when we walked the dog today, but other than walking the dog I have been housebound today, too.

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