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Discussion: lol nerd

in: bgallup; bgallup > 2011-11-27

Nov 28, 2011 4:01 AM # 
Nice analysis! I have found it really helpful to have reliable benchmarks of my own progress, and analysis is informative. BP is a wily one and extremely speedy in the woods. It's really useful to study the distances people travel on the same courses - I found that I added an extra km or two against ken at Boulderdash, e.g. You should do some trainings with the Training Group™ over the winter.

Are you coming out to Cemetery Hill? A big group of us is staying out in Amherstville on Saturday night for Night-O, food, socializing, Boggle and possibly bowling. We're then going to WCOC for some more O on Sunday. You should definitely come. If you need some plausible deniability with the gf, we can always chloroform you.
Nov 28, 2011 4:27 AM # 
heh heh. perfect subject there, the no punctuation's a nice touch.

definitely intend to train a bit over the winter, but it'll take a backseat to skiing and ice climbing. i'm sure i'll sneak something in here and there. and i'm still hip to plot some indoor-o

and i am completely stoked for cemetary hill. and sorely tempted to negotiate a friday departure to get in on that tempting, tempting night o. and we'll have to co-plot accidents if it comes to that - i'm still scheming to fix your wagon for a freak Ben-M21+-NEOC club champ win.
Nov 28, 2011 4:29 AM # 
The Night-O will be on Saturday night. I will vary my transportation plans regularly.
Nov 28, 2011 4:41 AM # 
ah, details. thought it was friday. huh. sticking around for the night-o and bailing afterwards.could be in the cards. the wheels have been set in motion...
Nov 28, 2011 2:11 PM # 
Obvious solution is to get girlfriend orienteering. duh.

I bet one thing Bill is doing differently is choosing fewer trail routes - but, this isn't necessarily fastest for you. It's amazing to see how fast he can run through the woods and read his map/orienteer at the same time. I love doing head-to-head exercises that are short enough that you stay close to a faster runner, but long enough that you see how and why they're crushing you. It may be routes, it may be micro-routes, it may be just straight-up speed.

Winter training is frequently done on weeknights, but we've kind of dropped the ball since the A meet. Definitely the way to get faster at orienteering is to keep doing it through the week, though!
Nov 28, 2011 6:30 PM # 
Nice analysis :-) Suggest you also take a look at tp who takes very efficient routes (see RG rather than AP).
BTW great to see the progress you are making and as Alex noted H2H racing is great practice- reminded of this last weekend in San Fran sprints where micro choices are as important as macro ones.
Nov 28, 2011 10:24 PM # 
Yeah, nice nerding =) And let me know if you want in on night-o, should be fun times!
Nov 29, 2011 12:07 AM # 
ali - thanks! no doubts as to funness, i'll let you know if it's a go.

bp - of course you of all people would like the analysis. i'd insert some joke about you being so fast despite having to hold the maps upside down, but i wouldn't stoop to such a cheap australia jab. no sir. i've taken a peek at tp's results as well, but hadn't dug them up on RG - thanks for the tip. phase two is route choices, and i'll see if there's enough to include him. i'll have to see if it's possible to yank a .gpx out of routegadget.

alex - hadn't made that woods/trail connection yet, that's a great point. i'm planning on checking out actual route choices when i get a chance. and a very solid sub-point about fast meaning different things to different people, something to think about. and some head to head stuff would solid training fun time - the otervals at pawtuckaway sounded like a more intense variation of that - but i knew i'd be feeling the mileage from the control pick, and was real interested in the contours-only course. some sort of leg-alternating exercise between well-matched orienteers would be super cool, but perhaps less so for the faster of the two. food for thought!

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