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Discussion: this is my problemo too n likely diagnosis

in: fluceluce; fluceluce > 2014-04-29

May 1, 2014 10:16 PM # 
Sports induced asthma triggered by hayfever. the doc asked do you ever these problems in winter n thinking about it I never have. Been awful this year. Hope your lungs are good for the race this weekend.
May 2, 2014 8:07 AM # 
Thanks Charli - looking good atm but I never can tell!
The weird thing for me was that it isn't just in spring/summer - so I think pollen is part of it but not sure what the rest is... Oct-end Nov last year was terrible to the point I gave up running more than about once a week for a while....

Hopefully get an answer soon, though yet to find the spirometry test that is abnormal....
May 3, 2014 8:11 AM # 
Maybe it depends what pollen your sensitive too. I am pretty certain mine is rape seed which are out in full force in the east mids n east anglia at the min. Heard that tree pollen is high at mo too.
May 4, 2014 12:22 PM # 
Tree pollen might make sense as that would correlate with the high tree pollen at Jura last year....not sure there'll be much to be done if it is - think I'm generally taking most of the things that would be prescribed already... we'll see, hopefully some allergy test results soon!

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