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Training Log Archive: AliC

In the 7 days ending Apr 14, 2013:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Running5 4:48:05 32.98(8:44) 53.07(5:26) 423
  Orienteering1 1:05:36 4.49(14:36) 7.23(9:04) 11918c
  Aerobics1 46:55 1.33(35:17) 2.14(21:55)
  Drills3 20:26 1.21(16:54) 1.95(10:30)
  Strength1 12:00 0.01(20:07:00) 0.02(12:30:00)
  Total6 7:13:02 40.02(10:49) 64.41(6:43) 54218c
  [1-5]6 7:06:23

» now

Sunday Apr 14, 2013 #

1 PM

Running 1:34:00 intensity: (10:26 @1) + (1:10:16 @2) + (13:18 @3) 10.71 mi (8:46 / mi) +173m 8:21 / mi
ahr:144 max:162

To bed at 7.30 and awake at 1.20pm. Grabbed some breakfast biscuits and water and headed out the door for a longish run. Again just gorgeous out!

I explored the Observatory grounds a bit better (they not only have a planet walk, but also a galaxy walk and universe walk!) and saw the building that houses the telescope ex-planet Pluto was discovered in. Then meandered out to the forrest again, only got lost once, but I cheated, mostly staying on fire roads. Some cool views of what I guess is called the San Francisco range - snow on top!

Saturday Apr 13, 2013 #


Currently observing! It's not photometric, which means there are some whispy clouds that are getting in my way, but generally I'm collecting photons of some nearby galaxies, woo!
11 AM

Running 19:29 intensity: (52 @0) + (2:23 @1) + (14:30 @2) + (1:36 @3) + (8 @4) 1.99 mi (9:47 / mi) +71m 8:49 / mi
ahr:137 max:169

Oh my gosh it's lovely here! 60 degrees, breezy, sunny, but with trees for shade. And there's no undergrowth. You could run anywhere! Except, there were no big features and the topography was pretty much the same wherever you looked, so I kept to trails to try to avoid getting lost....

Drills 10:43 intensity: (26 @1) + (7:04 @2) + (3:13 @3) 0.7 mi (15:18 / mi)
ahr:145 max:165

Time to be springy! Normal running drills.

Running 56:38 intensity: (5:53 @1) + (29:23 @2) + (9:01 @3) + (12:21 @4) 6.43 mi (8:48 / mi) +114m 8:21 / mi
ahr:149 max:174

And then intervals. 4-3-2-1 with half as much rest as previous interval. Two sets. Felt great the first set and then a bit more and more tired the second set. I also made sure the second set was trending uphill.

And then got lost on the way back. Whoopsie. Luckily the big drop down the edge of the mesa or whatever it is caught me =)

Strength 12:00 intensity: (2:35 @0) + (9:25 @1) 0.01 mi (20:07:00 / mi)
ahr:94 max:108

10 min abs, 2 min back

Friday Apr 12, 2013 #

(rest day)

Got to Lowell Observatory just in time to head out to the Discovery Channel Telescope with tonight's observer from BU. So far it's cloudy and we can't open the telescope, but forecast is that it should clear up!

I was hoping to sneak in a run today, but not a terrible day to take off given shift towards nocturnalness!!

Thursday Apr 11, 2013 #


Observing weather forecast:
Mostly clear - Sat
Clear - Sun

Hoping mostly clear really is mostly clear!!
6 PM

Orienteering 1:05:36 intensity: (28:10 @1) + (36:50 @2) + (36 @3) 7.23 km (9:04 / km) +119m 8:23 / km
ahr:124 max:163 18c

It was cold (sub 40) and rainy when I left Toledo, wasn't so much looking forward to orienteering. But then the rain died down perfectly before I got up to Bishop Lake, thanks weather!

Michelle waltzed into the other-than-us empty parking lot on her bike, we met and chatted a bit before heading out to streamer my Green and Red courses. I'm mostly happy with the control sites chosen, two I moved then and there and a third needs a further look.

Great to meet Michelle and also just to get out in those woods. Bishop Lake is neat terrain! Now to Arizona tomorrow!!

Wednesday Apr 10, 2013 #

5 PM

Running 8:53 intensity: (1:08 @0) + (5:48 @1) + (1:57 @2) 1.17 mi (7:36 / mi) +24m 7:08 / mi
ahr:116 max:138

And first thunderstormy day of the season.. Snuck out between green bands on the radar. I'd committed to doing a 3k and so just kicked myself out the door to do it.

Drills 4:07 intensity: (1:40 @1) + (2:27 @2) 0.26 mi (15:51 / mi)
ahr:134 max:149

2 x running drills

Running 2:47 intensity: (20 @1) + (1:55 @2) + (32 @3) 0.31 mi (8:55 / mi)
ahr:146 max:159

Running race 10:35 intensity: (15 @0) + (12 @1) + (39 @2) + (16 @3) + (9:13 @4) 3.0 km (3:32 / km)
ahr:165 max:173

Blah. Well, the weather wasn't great. But neither was this run! I set a goal of running under 10.15 for this April, so will just have to give it another shot. Maybe pick a drier, less windy day. Maybe do a few more tempo/interval sessions too.

Running 19:38 intensity: (4:15 @1) + (12:12 @2) + (2:46 @3) + (25 @4) 2.27 mi (8:39 / mi) +4m 8:36 / mi
ahr:140 max:168

Tuesday Apr 9, 2013 #

6 PM

Running 9:21 intensity: (1:00 @0) + (1:17 @1) + (5:48 @2) + (49 @3) + (27 @4) 1.11 mi (8:25 / mi)
ahr:134 max:169

Drills 5:36 intensity: (1:01 @1) + (4:35 @2) 0.25 mi (22:28 / mi)
ahr:141 max:159

Running 13:02 intensity: (1:37 @1) + (9:58 @2) + (1:27 @3) 1.69 mi (7:43 / mi) +9m 7:35 / mi
ahr:142 max:159

Track running with a map. Well, this shows that there is work to be done. I did 300s with 100m jogs, looking at a sprint map while doing the 300s and still trying to run fast. But it ended up I was doing 80s 300s, while last week I was doing 80 400s. So yup, need to work on that!!

Probably I was doing too much map-looking per unit running, or at least more than you'd do in a sprint?

Aerobics 46:55 intensity: (44:30 @1) + (2:25 @2) 1.33 mi (35:17 / mi)
ahr:102 max:136

Zumba! Tuesday class edition, since I missed yesterday. Lots of people and we had a instructor-in-training for 3 songs. She was no where near as good as Maria and her coreography was more arms + core than legs, but she's way better than I am, so can't complain. =)

Tuesday group seems more giggly. Also, I really have to work on one turn move thing, I'm terrible at it.

Running 6:59 intensity: (19 @0) + (4:47 @1) + (1:53 @2) 0.76 mi (9:14 / mi) +11m 8:50 / mi
ahr:122 max:141

Monday Apr 8, 2013 #

5 PM

Running 46:43 intensity: (30 @0) + (40:44 @1) + (5:29 @2) 4.67 mi (10:00 / mi) +17m 9:53 / mi
ahr:123 max:154

Nice, relaxed joggeroo with Ian around Wildwood. First shorts run of the season! Woooo!

Also, baby plants are emerging. Basil seems to be winning, with Oregano in a close second. One cucumber plant, other than that, nothing from the tomatoes, chives, cilantro. This could be exactly as predicted by seed packets though...

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