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Training Log Archive: AliC

In the 7 days ending Jul 27, 2014:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Running6 4:21:19 32.19(8:07) 51.81(5:03) 277
  Orienteering1 1:01:43 3.54(17:26) 5.7(10:50) 14313c
  Aerobics2 53:40 0.12 0.19
  Cycling1 40:05 9.15(4:23) 14.73(2:43) 34
  Strength2 25:26 0.16 0.26 1
  Drills3 14:24 0.82(17:29) 1.33(10:52) 4
  Total7 7:36:37 45.98 74.0 45913c

» now

Sunday Jul 27, 2014 #


So this planning-my-training thing worked well last week, if I get the orienteering in as planned today, will be to the letter! So here goes on next week's plan, which is a bit more tricksey due to moving across the country:

Monday - ~1hr good bye to Wildwood, core
Tuesday - track pyramid: 400,800,1200,1600,1200,800,400; running drills
Wed - run or bike at Rock Creek State Park, IA, ankle plyo drills
Thurs - run or bike at Rock Creek State Park, IA, core in evening at Nebraska hotel
Fri - Laramie Daze 1, running drills
Sat - Laramie Daze 2, core in evening
Sun - easy run at The Dalles, OR campsite
1 PM

Running 4:58 [1] 0.54 mi (9:12 / mi) +8m 8:48 / mi

Warm-up jog, including extracting the maps from the awesome hiding place found by Barbara + Michelle, woo!

Orienteering 1:01:43 [2] 5.7 km (10:50 / km) +143m 9:37 / km

Bishop Lake Training

A great course, with a lot of legs I hadn't really considered or ever run, despite setting courses here twice, racing twice and training a good handful of times... so thanks Igor! =)

Really tripped up on a few, I'll document those since time is precious and need to pack!

2- Ran too low and right passed it. I really should have been more attentive that the ditch was up a form line and a contour from the flat bottom. Distance judgment made me worry/stop at the right distance, just not high enough and then instead of going higher, continued on.
11- Tried to make the dot knoll to the SE be my hill, but saw the streamer actually on the way. I had judged that the correct hill was too far down the nose, wrong. Slightly twisted contour picture, I think.
13 - Drifted N on my way across, and when I came out the big trail things were not as certain as to let me boldly dive in and try to go find a vague spur. So I trotted on the trail, until I figured I really was in about the right spot (lost time!) and the spur was in fact there.

All in all, great to be out in the woods, really wasn't as terribly thick as I'd been fearing and really very few prickly things, just lots of ground cover. And definitely a fun last course to do in this neck of the woods!

Running 1:39 [1] 0.18 mi (9:09 / mi) +15m 7:17 / mi

Jog back to the car and off to Barbara's! Really great to say bye to a good number of SMOC folks instead of just disappearing over an orienteering-quiet summer. Will miss everyone!!

Saturday Jul 26, 2014 #

8 AM

Aerobics 6:13 [1] 0.12 mi (51:50 / mi)

Jogging in place in the potty line. Which was too long and they split between men and women. Seriously? For portapotties? I mean, I understand when the dudes have the 4-slot urinal thing, but otherwise...

Running 10:25 [2] 1.35 mi (7:44 / mi) +1m 7:43 / mi

Drills 2:06 [1] 0.15 mi (14:12 / mi) +3m 13:21 / mi

Running race 17:07 [4] 5.0 km (3:25 / km) +5m 3:24 / km

Tigertown 5k at Liberty Center, OH

Woo! 17:07 smashes previous PR of 17:24. So excited! Nice and steady at 5:30 miles the whole way, which I knew thanks to Garmin, no mile markers that I saw.

I was a little unsure of how my stomach felt at the beginning and my plan was to do a 5:40 first mile and then hopefully take it down into potential PR territory. I was holding back from the speedster flux at the beginning (high school boys) and still saw 5:08 pace for the first bit. Eep! But settled into a nice pace, and 5:30 felt good, so didn't slow to 5:40. And then it kept feeling fine for 2nd mile and ok, did start to hurt for the last one, but I knew was totally in control.

For the last mile, I was creeping up on training partner Kevin and pulled even at the 3 mile mark. But he had enough to pull a good finish in and got me by just a few seconds. Good to have a race!

Running 12:22 [1] 1.48 mi (8:21 / mi) +1m 8:20 / mi

Friday Jul 25, 2014 #

8 AM

Cycling 40:05 [1] 9.15 mi (4:23 / mi) +34m 4:20 / mi

Morning easy bike out the bike trail with Tom. Almost chilly out!

Yesterday learned how to hoe and harvest potatoes out at my friend Liz's farm. Potatoes are like buried treasure, fun to find.

Thursday Jul 24, 2014 #

7 AM

Running 43:29 [2] 5.5 mi (7:54 / mi) +37m 7:45 / mi

Last night, went to an author's talk on her book: How To Tell Toledo From the Night Sky. It features astronomers in Toledo who fall in love! Lydia (originally from Detroit, went to Bowling Green) was a great speaker and it was so much fun to hear about the novel-writing process (some connections to science paper writing, some major differences) and science and just life! Very psyched to read the book now. =)

Ok, and then this was my morning long run, interrupted with ankle plyo drills. Happy to have gotten the long run in, listened to 3 TED talks, first pretty boring on business strategy and it's current rapid evolution (Philip Evans). Then on how we are learning how to read peoples brains with fMRI, super cool, kinda scary (Mary Lou Jepsen). And then also cool, was the third talk about the need and a way to reform the big 3 Credit Ratings Agencies. Suggested way forward: make a new, independent and transparent Agency (Annette Heuser).

Drills 4:51 [1] 0.19 mi (26:12 / mi) +1m 25:46 / mi

Running 36:44 [2] 4.68 mi (7:51 / mi) +40m 7:39 / mi

Wednesday Jul 23, 2014 #

8 AM

Running 35:49 [1] 3.62 mi (9:54 / mi) +34m 9:37 / mi

Easy around Ottawa Park with Tom. Stormed hard last night, so mega-humid this monrning, but luckily only in the 70s.

Strength 12:01 [1] 0.16 mi (1:15:15 / mi) +1m 1:13:49 / mi

10 min abs, 2 min core

Then off to get car checked up on before the voyage!

Tuesday Jul 22, 2014 #

7 AM

Running warm up/down 18:44 [1] 2.05 mi (9:08 / mi) +13m 8:58 / mi

Warm up the long way to the track. Had to sneak through an ambiguous construction zone.

Drills warm up/down 7:27 [1] 0.49 mi (15:12 / mi)

Normal running drills, ROTC just finishing up on the track, perfect timing.

Running intervals 35:07 intensity: (18:47 @1) + (16:20 @4) 4.75 mi (7:24 / mi) +12m 7:20 / mi

4 x 1200

Was hoping for 4:07.5, for 5:30 pace for all 4, but ran 4:11, 4:07, 4:13, 4:18. These feeling easy at 4:07 would have made me confident for a PR bid Saturday, but I think hills on Sunday + killer Zumba yesterday meant for tireder legs today. So we'll just see, think I'll start on just under 5:40 pace for first mile, and hope to take down if feeling good.

Monday Jul 21, 2014 #


Week plan:
Monday - run + core + Zumba
Tues - 4 x 1200 at 5k pace on track + normal running drills
Wed - easyish run + core
Thurs - ~9 mi run + ankle plyo drills
Fri - off/super easy
Sat - Tigertown 5k + normal running drills
Sun - Orienteering somewhere before heading to Barbara's
4 PM

Running 39:52 [1] 4.39 mi (9:05 / mi) +39m 8:50 / mi

Ottawa Park with Tom, bonus hill and faster on the commando route. A hot and humid one!

Tried out the new Air Pegasi. They seem to work!

Strength 13:25 [1]

Core15 with Carli.

Kinda boring, just repeats of crunches, planck, bicycles and then supermen at the end. But abs were feeling it, so suppose that does the trick!

Aerobics 47:27 [2]

Killer Zumba! But no, seriously, this was hard! Carli, the new instructor is way more energetic. She might have been tigger in a former life. So smooth dancey-ness measure is down, but aerobic-ness measure is way up. Holy moly.

Running 5:03 [1] 0.55 mi (9:11 / mi) +72m 6:32 / mi

And then after slumping down the hill chatting with Leslie, motivated to jog home, where I drank lots and lots of water and then went out to Tony Packo's for a last Toledo-dog with Tom.

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