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Training Log Archive: simon87

In the 7 days ending Dec 9, 2007:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Running4 4:49:00 36.82 59.25
  Orienteering2 2:21:55 16.22(8:45) 26.1(5:26)
  Netball1 40:00
  Total6 7:50:55 53.03 85.35
  [1-5]6 7:41:55

» now

Sunday Dec 9, 2007 #

Orienteering long 1:55:00 [3] 20.0 km (5:45 / km)
shoes: NB 902

Long run from Chalks. Lachlan Tristan Susanne Jenny and Vanessa present. I had this in for terrain run so had o gear and shoes, but most of the others were just in normal running gear. This meant that for the first bit I (and jenny being the other ogear wearer) were running parralel to the others in the forest.

We went NW through blood and thunder towards Tower Hill, and then down towards Warren CP. This lead us down into the river coming out of Warren Reservoir. At this point I became quite glad I was wearing O gear, as the trach basically ended and the bridge was gone. This mean we had to fight through some reeds, cross the river on a log, clamber over blackberries, and then climb straight up on steep stairs. From there, we just went eastward towards the main road, however the tracks were all overgrown which made it like running in green. Eventually we hit the road and started to head south again back towards the cars. Once we got to Blood and Thunder again I cut through the forest through rocky paddock. Basically I was searching for softer gorund as several km on sealed and formed roads is not so fun in O shoes. Got back a little before the rest.

Then we sat in the shade and ate food for half an hour.

Netball 40:00 [4]
shoes: NB 1223

Played the enrgetic team. they didn't make nearly as many mistakes this game, plus they had a great shooter. Hence we lost, 27-18

Saturday Dec 8, 2007 #

Running long 1:59:00 [4] 26.0 km (4:35 / km)
shoes: NB 1223

Saw the sun rise through the trees at Mt Lofty.

Had to get up way early for this (4:20) but was quite cool to go running out in the dark as it got progressively lighter. Got a bit freaked on the way up when two dogs came running out of the darkness at me, but there owner showed up a couple fo seconds later to calm them down.

Friday Dec 7, 2007 #

Orienteering 26:55 [4] 6.1 km (4:25 / km)
shoes: NB 902

Summer Series. South East Parklands.
Horse race courses are hard to run on - the grass is really thick and spongy.
Also the set up for Clipsal provided and unmarked uncrossable barrier which made route choice interesting.

Thursday Dec 6, 2007 #

Running long 1:05:00 [3] 12.5 km (5:12 / km)
shoes: NB 1223

Belair run with Jenny and Lauren. Went up long gully to the back reaches of the park where only the more dedicated Belair explorers venture. Quite nice and almost rain-foresty in there. Dad came with us until the end of long gully as well. Can't remember the last time (if at all) I went on a training run with dad so this was a change. From there we ventured up through the blackberrys pn single tracks hardly anyone knows exist, before dropping back down via a more standard route along the top of echo gully.

The weather was quite stormy but didn't actually rain. The wind was enough to take the heat out of the air though. Legs were quite heavy at the start - I think tired from standing around in the workshop all day. However towards the end got a good cruisy stride and rhythm going which felt really good as I haven't had that as much recently.

Wednesday Dec 5, 2007 #

Running warm up/down 30:00 [3] 5.5 km (5:27 / km)
shoes: NB 902

Warm up for early morning intervals. Made sure to check my socks before i put them on this morning and it was all smooth sailing from there. Nice and cool this morning, cold even.

Running intervals 18:00 [5] 5.75 km (3:08 / km)
shoes: NB 902

Intervals. Nice and early. Did 1/2/3/3/2/1-1/2/2/1 minutes. 1 minute rec between. This session is good fun, and made a lot easier by doing it early while its cool. Feeling good, not quite as quick as I was when we did this on uni loop, but that could be attributed to the undulations on brownhill creek road.

Running 9:00 [0]
shoes: NB 902

Minute rec's between each int

Tuesday Dec 4, 2007 #

Running 48:00 [3] 9.5 km (5:03 / km)
shoes: NB 1223

Morialta. Same loop as last week. Feeling quite good, feels like speed is coming back a bit. The first bit was a bit slow (something like 400m climb in just 1-2km or something). But then coming down is nice as its more gradual and the track is pretty good. I have to remember to run a bit slower over the bit where the track has eroded off the side though, as I almost ended up in the creek there.

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