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Training Log Archive: Dolf

In the 7 days ending Aug 10, 2014:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Rogaine1 12:30:16 30.89(24:17) 49.71(15:05) 1046
  Run1 30:03 3.43(8:46) 5.52(5:27) 60
  Total2 13:00:19 34.32(22:44) 55.24(14:08) 1106

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Saturday Aug 9, 2014 #

12 PM

Rogaine 12:30:16 [2] 49.71 km (15:05 / km) +1046m 13:39 / km
shoes: Hoka One One Rapa Nui

Crunchy Nut rogaine with Jacko.
Our goals for this rogaine were just to enjoy it, get some nav practice & I wanted at least 10-12 hours out there to test the nutrition I'm planning on using for the WTF next month.
We only planned the first few controls before the start and then made it up as we went along as we didn't really need an optimal route.
The first few controls we hit spot on, at 96 we maybe lost 5 mins in an adjacent gully then did well after that for all daylight controls other than 108 were we did the same again. At the water drop near 48 we were about to cross the electric fence & I suggested to Jacko that maybe his shoe would provide a little insulation if he stepped on the electric wire while crossing the fence (I wasn't willing to try), he tried... and it didn't, so he went flying backwards. I think I strained a few muscles laughing at that.
Our first stuff up was at 81 were we got a bit disorientated going through the very dense bush and also overestimated how far we had gone so we were looking in the wrong spot & ended up giving up on it. We picked up 53, then over the road towards 9. We were heading straight for it but thought we may have been of track & ended up relocating into an incorrect watercourse. The spot were we gave up on that one would have been inside the circle for 34 so we were way off. By that stage we had just ticked over 11 hours & decided to head back to the road and back to the HH. Just as we got to the road the patrol car pulled up and asked if we would like some cake. I grabbed a snot block & chocolate cake then we started to walk/jog back along the road to the HH without bothering to get any of the close controls on the way.
I was very happy with the nutrition I was using, Tailwind powder mixed with water has calories + electrolytes & was all I had other than 1 banana for roughly 11 ½ hours until the snot block/choc cake.
My legs & feet felt fine other than the first 10-20 seconds each time we started to run near the end & I had one sore toenail but no blisters (plenty of scratches & ant bites to the legs though).
Happy with the effort, we certainly could have picked a more efficient route if we had planned better but our daytime nav seemed very easy and with the night time stuff ups we were getting pretty sick of the thick vegetation & decided we had gotten what we wanted out of it & were happy to finish when we did. (I'm glad we weren't bothered about our score as I forgot to punch a 100pt & 90pt control & possibly more)
Good times.

Thursday Aug 7, 2014 #

4 PM

Run (Trail) 30:03 intensity: (9 @1) + (42 @2) + (28:58 @3) + (14 @4) 5.52 km (5:27 / km) +60m 5:10 / km
ahr:131 max:145 shoes: Hoka Stinson Trail

Short run to see how the left leg was feeling. No problems with the leg but after 4 days off I felt very heavy in the legs. I didn't want to run much longer but it probably would have gotten better if I had run further.

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