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Training Log Archive: Garrison

In the 1 days ending Jun 6, 2015:

activity # timemileskm+ft
  Adventure Race1 5:54:07 24.35(14:33) 39.19(9:02) 3284
  Total1 5:54:07 24.35(14:33) 39.19(9:02) 3284

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Saturday Jun 6, 2015 #

10 AM

Adventure Race race (Dale Hollow) 5:54:07 [5] 24.35 mi (14:33 / mi) +3284ft 12:54 / mi

First "sprint" race I've done in years. Course was rogaine style and well designed. CP's in any order using any mode of transport. Bike must be at the S/F and boat must be at TA when you are done. 1-4 caused me the biggest concern on route choice, paddle vs trek.

Started with 16 on the road then to 19 and 20 to gauge woods "runnability" so I could factor that in to my 1-4 decision. Small bobble on 20, typical for early race for me but I was worried since the race was so damn SHORT!

Almost endo'ed on the way to 18 so I dropped the bike and trekked down and back. Contours. Believe them!

Quick easy ride to CP17 (cave) where I screwed up my race completely (spoiler alert). Tons of bikes at a trail junction so I drop and take off in the woods to the south. Don't check the map and end up screwing around in the wrong NORTH facing reentrant instead of contouring around to the correct WEST facing reentrant. I think I was just too worried about moving fast. Made a super dumb mistake.

To make it worse I actually found a (very small, not beginner friendly) cave in the wrong reentrant and screwed around in there a bit before I remembered that this was supposed to be a beginner friendly course. Bailed after costing myself 20 minutes (see 0:50:00 to 1:09:50 on my track). Unbelievable.

Correct cave was roughly the size of a train tunnel. With a large trail leading to it. Ouch.

Quick ride to TA to paddle to 7. At TA I see all the boats and realize another strategic mistake. If the race is BYOB, find a fast boat to borrow. Otherwise you're going to be paddling a sit on top kayak.

That said, my adrenaline fueled paddle to 7 only took 8 minutes or so. Decided to go ahead and paddle 1-4. Woods are open, but contours are no joke. Spend the next 4 hours doubting my decision.

Paddle is hot but I keep the pace pretty steady. About 1:45 for the paddle time.

With the paddle done it's just bike and hike time. I try to push as hard as I can knowing I've lost serious time in two different ways. I think I was moving well, but without teammates, I'm not really sure?

13 is an out and back in bike shoes. I opt to change shoes for 11, 10 and 12 after dropping bike at N tip of reentrant w/ 12. (More time lost.) Hills are big, so I stay low from the saddle NE of 10 after punching it and run around to reentrant for 12. Nail the nav here, but 12 is actually at the top of a cliffy-like zone. Map goes in mouth for a scramble/climb/crawl up. Not sure my approach was any good because of this.

Had considered 14 from this point, but I'm all the way up so I decide to wait until 9. It's a down/up either way, but distance from 9 looks shorter.

Time is getting a little tight but as long as the trails are rideable I'm feeling like I can clear for sure. Take a right on the red trail E of 10-13 but quickly hop out to the road. Red = "not as rideable as you would like at the end of the race when time is tight". Down hill pavement is somewhat superior here.

Ride to 9 is easy and nail 9 (left the bike shoes on this time). Scramble down to reentrant is traverse-y/contour-y with one particular cliff area that has me regretting my bike shoes. All in all uneventful to 14.

Back on the bike for the last 3 and although the adrenaline is up a bit due to being inside the final hour I'm confident that unless there are more caves, I'm good. Get back to the finish with about 15 minutes to spare to find out to teams/people finished full course in front of me.

Considering one of my major sources of lost time was an incredibly stupid nav error, hard not to be disappointed with the result. Will also be looking for a faster boat to borrow before the next race in the series.

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