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Training Log Archive: Bash

In the 1 days ending Apr 7, 2008:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Strength & Mobility1 40:00
  Trekking1 15:00
  Total1 55:00

» now

Monday Apr 7, 2008 #


'Bent and I had lunch today with two good friends we haven't seen for over a year and a half since they moved to Tajikistan - Gazelle and Gazette! They are back in Canada for a few months to have their first baby, and they will be living in Bolton. Great to see them!! :-)


A couple of post-Pig notes:

- In case you haven't seen Wil Smith's log, he took some excellent photos at the Pig -

- I found it very instructive to review nav guru PG's routes posted on his log, since he raced the same courses that I did last weekend. I feel a little better after seeing that we both made the same big error on #1 on Sunday. I'm still not happy about it - and I'm sure that he isn't, either - but I feel less silly about it now. However, I still feel really, *really* silly about my monster error on #2!

Trekking (Logged at 50%) 15:00 [1]

ThunderDog and I hiked to and from Crash's place, travelling through a forest that was mostly full of soft snow. My hiking boots weren't even close to high enough to keep the snow out, and I kept punching through.

Strength & Mobility 40:00 [2]

Hard Core DVD with 'Bent. It's only been a week and a half since we last did a Hard Core workout, but I could feel that it was a little harder than usual.

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