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Attackpoint AR - performance and training tools for adventure athletes

Discussion: games

in: AliC; AliC > 2022-12-19

Dec 20, 2022 11:06 PM # 
Yes!!! Hurray for obstacle courses. ;-) Sounds like fun.
Dec 21, 2022 12:02 PM # 
What adult isn’t into games for first graders?? How else is one supposed to learn how to abruptly change direction/accelerate/decelerate/fall down/get up? Sheesh. Keep trying!
Dec 21, 2022 1:37 PM # 
So when does Martin get to learn to ski? My recollection from Pawtuckaway in September is that he was already getting lots of practice in "abruptly change direction/accelerate/decelerate/fall down/get up."
Dec 28, 2022 2:57 PM # 
No idea, he doesn't seem like world's most fun person... but the girls were having fun despite it, so hopefully all will go well with their group!

And Martin's on little micro-skis this year - he can stand up and make forward progress on totally flat soft snow. He most likes me holding him up and going down together on downhills though!
Dec 28, 2022 8:26 PM # 
Oh man your first sentence I thought was referring to PG's comment and you meant Martin doesn't seem like a fun person... Glad I misinterpreted!

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