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Discussion: It will be interesting to s...

in: AliC; AliC > 2023-02-03

Feb 3, 2023 1:25 PM # 
It will be interesting to see what the attrition rate is - especially today. -13f now (8am) and it's only going down from here. I'm geared up for pix but whether there will be any subjects remains to be seen.
Feb 3, 2023 1:35 PM # 
Yikes! That is simply really, really cold. Keep covered up yourself! (At some point eye-ball freezing is a worry - don't forget to shut your eyes for a bit if you're having them bare at other times for photo-taking!)
Feb 3, 2023 1:54 PM # 
Wow, Clint you are a trooper! My hunch is the largest attrition happens somewhere between online registration and parking lot.
Feb 3, 2023 1:58 PM # 
Yup... And I don't intend to venture too far from the lodge either... But I don't have much (anything really) for SkiO photo stock, so out I go.
Feb 3, 2023 3:38 PM # 
Bring something "insulated" to stand or sit on while you're out there. I have neglected to think about how much cold would go from the snow to the underside of my feet and regretted not having at least a piece of cardboard or something.
Feb 3, 2023 4:06 PM # 
Will be on snowshoes with insulated 3-pin xc boots. Went for a test run and seems good. Plus I plan to keep moving...
Feb 3, 2023 5:08 PM # 
Ok stay stafe! I love how dedicated you are to getting good shots!
Feb 3, 2023 9:16 PM # 
It was around -12F when we were racing. In the woods, no wind, no problem. I had over boots for the feet and 3 buffs - chin, cheeks and forehead. Big concern was fogging and glazing my glasses, so didn’t breathe thru a buff. Basically, I was quite comfortable.

The parking lot was windy and cold and the temp dropped another 5 degrees by 3:00 on the way to Saranac.
Feb 4, 2023 1:44 AM # 
Sounds relatively tolerable!
Feb 4, 2023 12:36 PM # 
Oh good, glad it was ok and you got out there! I for sure would have at least tried if I were healthy...

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