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Discussion: Hammy

in: AliC; AliC > 2010-11-14

Nov 14, 2010 8:26 PM # 
That's no good at all, take care of that silly muscle. Can you get an appointment to see a physio? Or a doc? They might be able to address some underlying problems, although there isn't much you can do about the fact that you tore it whenever you had done that. But maybe they can figure out why its bothering you again? and make it stop?

Good thing its almost ski season!
Nov 14, 2010 11:39 PM # 
Mmmm, yeah, suppose a doc might be able to stay something useful. Wish it would just cure itself. But I'm going to be careful this week, and only run the Traverse if its seeming more ok than it is now...
Nov 15, 2010 1:35 PM # 
Coming back from a long weekend, I just read the last 4-5 trainings in your log and read a lot of comments about things hurting. Sounds like you need a day or two off for the moment. No sense in getting injured now (or ever!). Take care of your body, my dear!
Nov 15, 2010 4:33 PM # 
Yeah, time for some chill. Does help to have other people tell me it's the smartest thing though, so hard to have the patience to rest...
Nov 15, 2010 4:45 PM # 
Hope it's starting to ease up- if not then I'd suggest tight strapping with an ACE bandage for a couple of days is a good approach as it helps restrict muscle elongation - helped my ham tear recover pretty fast.
Nov 17, 2010 1:59 PM # 
Definitely isn't too bad, really no pain on doing anything, but based on weekend, still needs more work before running full speed, so trying to give it time and now also strengthen! Think that's maybe what I was missing!
Nov 17, 2010 6:20 PM # 
Good to hear- strengthening was also my aha moment.

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