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Discussion: Quicksilver, or The Curse of the Ukrainian Mapper

in: jfredrickson; jfredrickson > 2007-01-07

Jan 8, 2007 7:37 PM # 
Sorry for the excursion, John—I didn't see Cheese's courses until late on Saturday, and when I did, I was sleepy and tired (from the uphill slog with views earlier in the evening) to input constructive comments, so I just told Marc the courses were OK. Typically we don't go to the very top/green part of Quicksilver Park. I actually haven't been in the top mined area in a long, long time, although I lived just N of the park in 2003/2004. We stay lower on the hillside, sort of where his third loop went. Mikkel and Andrew survived that third loop, and found the terrain there more enjoyable and in general agreement with the map.
Jan 8, 2007 9:10 PM # 
No worries Vlad, I needed an easy day anyway.
Jan 8, 2007 10:46 PM # 
matzah ball:
hi, John - let me just ask - if you ever made a mistake and found yourself in crappy green, wouldn't it be a good skill to be able to get through it well, or say it was a way nobody else would take but you, because of your skill, could use it to good advantage? I'm just asking because I have found myself there and hated it but...maybe its like cyclists say 'don't hate the hill, love the hill'
Jan 8, 2007 10:51 PM # 
How's everyone's PO? I got a lot and I'm not even that allergic.
Jan 8, 2007 10:53 PM # 
matzah ball:
don't hate the PO, love the PO
Jan 8, 2007 11:13 PM # 
its a real love, kinda sadomazohistic. PO grown on the mercury mines is perfect.
Jan 8, 2007 11:20 PM # 
No doubt Rudy. Terrain running is an important part of orienteering, and being able to fight through nasty forests is as important as raw running speed. Unfortunately you need to be fresh enough to put up a fight to make the workout worthwhile and I was nowhere near fresh enough to fight with the green I was getting stuck in at Quicksilver. There are better times to take advantage of nasty forests than at the end of a 13 hour training week.
Jan 8, 2007 11:20 PM # 
mine po is ok, washed it twice with Technu, than with liquid soap, plus lorinden ointment yesterday night. no rush so far. but that after saturday's exposure, match point is tomorrow - will see how good quicksilver plants are...
Jan 8, 2007 11:21 PM # 
I am getting small isolated patches of PO, but so far nothing big enough to cause serious discomfort. Anna picked up enough to complain about though.
Jan 9, 2007 12:12 AM # 
I'm surprised to have no sign's of PO so far. I am very happy about this. Poor Anna had some outbreaks all over her legs. Anna, if you are reading this, how's it going?
Jan 9, 2007 12:33 AM # 
this is another hope for itching public. Brand is expensive but general version is ~$20 (could be found in "Rite Aid", in Walgreens also)
Jan 9, 2007 7:39 AM # 
can anyone tell me whats PO?
Jan 9, 2007 8:22 AM # 
poison oak is my guess...
Jan 9, 2007 9:32 AM # 
Is that the same as Poison Ivy?
Jan 9, 2007 12:55 PM # 
Jan 9, 2007 1:17 PM # 
PO (poison oak) is about 10 times or so stronger than PI (poison ivy).
Jan 9, 2007 3:17 PM # 
And the leaves aren't even on the plant right now. If you come to Cali you can go swimming in it too :) I somehow got it behind my ear!
Jan 9, 2007 4:43 PM # 
we were lucky - po is inactive in winter, had some mild itching last night, not as bad as it could be.
Jan 11, 2007 2:42 AM # 
haven't had any po yet, and i'm still running in the clothes i wore at quicksilver.....unwashed!!! i am PO free
Jan 11, 2007 3:11 AM # 
but not BO free?
Jan 11, 2007 3:13 AM # 
good for you, mine is almost gone, lil itching still

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