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Discussion: hammer and coast

in: 'Bent; 'Bent > 2012-05-13

May 14, 2012 12:24 PM # 
that should be my new AP name.

I can't sustain hard efforts for more than an hour (though I got to two hours in SSR before hitting the wall). There is a big difference between racing and training at easy paces (which is everything I do these days).
May 14, 2012 1:37 PM # 
I'm wondering if I just cramped up from riding too hard to catch back up after my nav error, even though my HR was reasonable. Felt fine on the paddle and run, and had a good strong start to biking season this year, lots of fairly technical riding, but just no long steady efforts. One thing about being 50- I'm good at *exactly* what I've been training, but every time I change something up a little I pay for it.

Think you can go long enough for RockstAR? Be great to have you and your knee.
May 14, 2012 2:54 PM # 
'Bent is rejecting my theory that the heat got to him, causing cramps and nausea. It wasn't super hot but it *was* a lot warmer than what we're used to right now. Some other racers reported similar problems. Although we were supposed to be self-sufficient with water on the course, the medics were sent out with big containers of cold water to provide refills.
May 14, 2012 3:13 PM # 
sounds like one of two things:

1) heat
2) somebody tampered with his camel back during some gear packing rage.
May 14, 2012 3:18 PM # 
Interesting note from my log in 2007:

"We started on the water. SNIP I came off the water around 6th after a huge effort, with Dave Z 's team and Bash hot on my heels.

On the bikes, I managed to catch Dave Z's team and a solo on the road on a huge climb, but cramped up something fierce, and had to stop, stretch and eat tums. I got them and another team of 2 later on the nice singletrack."

That time I was able to recover and win overall, but in fairness there was no Logie or Frankenjack there.

Maybe it's something about riding my 'bent hard after paddling a kayak? Something to do with the Adductor muscles?
May 14, 2012 7:35 PM # 
I am thinking now it's related to leg circulation to calf and adductor being cut off a bit both in the kayak and on the 'bent seat, after a hard effort and some dehydration.

The kayak is the instigator, but there's not a lot of natural padding on my butt, and I can feel the poor circulation some times on the big 'bent. Not an issue when we're off doing hike-a-bike often. Once the muscles have been badly cramped it's hard for them to come back.

Calcium and electrolytes didn't help all that much. Outside mag says Pickle Juice is the way to go. Never tried it. Anyone? FB?
May 14, 2012 9:46 PM # 
>Think you can go long enough for RockstAR?

Probably best for me to sit it out.
May 15, 2012 12:18 AM # 
-Until our next race then...
May 15, 2012 3:25 AM # 
May 15, 2012 2:52 PM # 
I am also thinking of trying some paddle-bike brick workouts to see if that's related.
May 18, 2012 4:50 PM # 
After much thought, as much as I'd like to blame my physical issues on weak Endurolyte caps, lack of Pickle Juice or claudication of blood vessels in my butt, I probably just went out too hard chasing Logie on the run and first part of the bike, and paid for it later.
May 18, 2012 6:23 PM # 
"After much thought" = "after my wife repeatedly told me this was the problem, I finally reviewed my heart rate data and was forced to concur". :)

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