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Discussion: Istanbul spice bazaar

in: mikeminium; mikeminium > 2013-05-18

May 20, 2013 3:24 AM # 
Hi Mike. Last year, when I was in Istanbul, I picked up a spice at the spice bazaar that the vendor called 'Ottoman Spice'. I'm just about out of it, and love it, and don't know how to replace it. On the off-chance that you visit the spice bazaar and see some, buy me about a pound; I'll pay you back and will be eternally grateful.

The spice bazaar has two arms, one opening to the NE and the other opening to the SE. As I recall, the shop that I got it at was in the arm that runs NE/SW, about 80% down from the NE opening, on the SE side of the arm. If you enter from the plaza, you'll be in the correct arm, and the shop would be on your left.

Also, if you're looking for a great restaurant, you'll have a tough time doing better than Hunkar:

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