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Training Log Archive: AliC

In the 1 days ending Aug 8, 2010:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Orienteering2 35:01 4.18(8:22) 6.73(5:12) 17018c
  Running2 20:00
  Total4 55:01 4.18 6.73 17018c

» now

Sunday Aug 8, 2010 #

8 AM

Running warm up/down 10:00 [1]

Warm up for the WOC sprint qual. Warmed up in trainers, so mostly stayed on the big field, along with lots of other gals- with 3 in each minute starting, *everyone* was warming up at the same time. Felt ok, but worried about a dry throat. Maybe I just needed something to freak out a bit at all, didn't feel it in race or afterwards.
9 AM

Orienteering race 17:41 [5] *** 2.55 km (6:56 / km) +95m 5:51 / km

WOC Sprint Qual, Course C

Woo! Made it just barely, 13th, 1 sec in front of 14, 2 in front of 15, 6 to not-quite-making it 16th. Super psyched!!

The beginning was definitely rough for me. Then things picked up, which actually does coincide with the navigation getting a bit easier. And the Czech girl who started 1 min back caught me. We ran with slightly different route choices, but seeing each other frequently for the rest of the race. Can't say it didn't help, because it did, but for sure wasn't blindly following, just racing!

1- Pretty chill at start. Just wanted to find the silly triangle! Then easy 1st control.
2- Lost 30 sec to winner here, eep! Started out east, decided to run through some low nastiness, but then to head west on road after all... should have just stuck with east, *and* avoided the nasty brashing.
3- Slightly distracted by a not-mine control, otherwise fine.
4- Silly, silly route choice. Didn't go through the nice white woods, instead went way around on paths... brain, please work!!
5- Road to path at the bottom of cliffs right to control, finally getting into it!
6, 7, 8, 9- Switch to urban-o, much better.
10, 11- The two woods controls, but totally simple. First at the edge of a big yellow that it was fastest to just take paths to, second was visible from the first... not so tricky.
12- Mistake again: two openings in uncrossable fences made a great diagonal across a paved area, but I ran way around it. Bummer, and I kinda saw that option beforehand, but got dragged by a hill in the way. Should have had more discipline.
13, 14, 15, 16- Fast running, simple urban stuff.
17, 18- Little more woods, again not complicated, slightly slow to 18 deciding which fence opening.
Finish- sprint! Although my time on the splits read some ridiculous time... not sure how it was.

Takeaway: On the detailed first bit, should have taken a fraction more second to route choice. Otherwise, pretty good. I ran within my able-to-make decision bounds. Happy!

1 PM

Running warm up/down 10:00 [1]

Warm up for the final. Pre-start exactly where the model was yesterday. Nice sunny day!
2 PM

Orienteering 17:20 [5] 2.6 mi (6:40 / mi) +75m 6:07 / mi

Sprint Final, Kristiansten festning map

Pre-start run amusingly included a bit through an empty (for Sunday) shopping mall. And then, you emerge and there are crowds of people! I totally didn't know where to go- apparently onto the stage, where you start through a little wand, just like in a skiing race!

Lots of city-like orienteering, more normal than the qualification, with an interesting bit in the castle at the top of the hill and a park-like bit following. A unwise choice of descent off route into head-height brambles (oops, wearing shorts) heading to 12 was a bummer. Otherwise, think I lost some time because a crease made some of my map come off, showing an opening at the top of a fence that wasn't actually there -> confusion! A few slightly poor route choices, but none killer, and didn't hesitate, which is important!

Definitely psyched with coming in 37th!

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