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Training Log Archive: AliC

In the 1 days ending Jan 21, 2012:

activity # timemileskm+m
  XC skiing3 2:15:03
  Total3 2:15:03

» now

Saturday Jan 21, 2012 #

9 AM

XC skiing warm up/down 1:00 [1]

One minute warm up over to the start, because I totally did not arrive early enough before this race. 45 minutes is not enough time to register, use the bathroom, get race-suit + number on and wax, apparently.

Kick waxing: Had overheard Swix guy telling someone VR40 was the wax of the day. So I go back to my wax box, find I have some Swix Green. Maybe that's it? So I go back and ask if it is, nope, I should be looking for a blue. But I don't have Swix Blue. I have some Ski-Go Blue that I bought in France because I had no classic wax, so I slap 3 layers of that on over melted-in Green binder. Ski up the hill towards the start to test, hm, bit slippy. Slap on 1 more layer, but then it's time to start, so that's it!

XC skiing race (classic marathon) 1:35:03 intensity: (15:00 @2) + (25:00 @3) + (45:00 @4) + (10:03 @5)

White Mountain Classic 30k

Well, really I got there before the 2 minutes to go had been called, so not purely by the skin of my teeth. Still, everyone had already grabbed all the space at the front, and unlike in running you can't just fiddle your way in by ignoring the normal rules about personal body space. There are tracks and skis take up space in them, so I positioned myself between tracks, which is just asking for your poles to be broken, but I was lucky.

Anyways, off the start, big double pole lap in fields that let everyone get pretty situated before heading up the first hills. Was around Rob towards the end, and he warned me we had a big hill coming up, which was nice, I didn't so much remember the course. Noticed on the first up that wax was still a bit slippy, bummer. Not terrible, but not what you would like, given that these conditions should be easy to get bombproof kick. Ah well, bring in the arms + herringbone!

Never saw any other women out there (I won), was battling it out with several masters guys around me, though, so at least not lonely! Backed off my early pace a bit on the first lap, when I figured I was going too hard for a marathon, probably smart, I still felt like I had enough juice the second time around.

Despite waxing issues, I was faster on the ups than on the flats, suggesting either my glide wax (or grind...) wasn't that awesome or that the masters guys are relatively stronger on double pole than striding. Both could be true, but I think that I couldn't keep up on the downs signals a wax/grind issue.

Food: Meant to have a gel just before the start, but forgot in my haste. Had ~2 gulps of gatorade at the first 3 out of 4 feed stations, probably just enough.
11 AM

XC skiing 4:00 [1]

Attempted a warm down, but nope, too cold!
2 PM

XC skiing 35:00 intensity: (20:00 @2) + (15:00 @3)

After yummy hot lunch (I *love* that ski marathons feed you!) hanging out with some of the current Dartmouth team, then Ernst and Mika, realized I had some time to kill before starting the 3h drive down to the NEOC social. Sooo, might as well ski more!

Headed out for a skate ski, meant to find the flat Ellis River trail, but failed and ended up heading uphill and did the Wave again. Not exactly sure on time, Garmin was out of battery thus useless...

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