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Training Log Archive: AliC

In the 1 days ending Apr 13, 2014:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Orienteering1 1:41:44 8.44(12:03) 13.58(7:29) 340
  Running1 6:31 0.76(8:35) 1.22(5:20) 14
  Total1 1:48:15 9.2(11:46) 14.81(7:19) 354

» now

Sunday Apr 13, 2014 #

1 PM

Running 6:31 [1] 0.76 mi (8:35 / mi) +14m 8:07 / mi

After sorting out how to acquire an out-of-state DNR permit for parking all sorts of fun places to orienteer in Michigan, did a little warmup joggeroo.

Orienteering 52:26 [4] 4.19 mi (12:31 / mi) +162m 11:10 / mi

Yeehaw! First SMOC meet of the season at Pontiac. Awesome stuff.

Seriously, the first 3 controls were detailed awesomeness. And then trails got in the way here and there, but the course was set well (thanks Oleg!) so that the only leg they were helpful to travel along was the long leg to #11.

#1 - B Slow off the start, just finding where I was and such, then opted to stay on the road until the mini-parking on the left and follow the depressions up. Mark followed the ridge instead and was 20s faster. A good call on his part, just easier to follow.
#2 - A Bearing, looking for the major saddle and bopping to the far-side reentrant.
#3 - B+ Left of line along parallel reentrant to start, then crossed over and stayed flat-ish. Got slightly distracted by something right on approach I know remember.
#4 - B- Straight E at beginning, to avoid small nose, then on bearing, trying to be feisty and keep moving well up the hill. Tangled a bit on the way on the back down, and momentarily confused about hills at one point. Saw Tom as soon as I dumped out to the campground road. He raced and made it to the punch before me!
#5 - A Through the campground and open, up the hill on the trail in the woods, then just over the saddle to follow the depression into the control.
#6 - A Through saddle, cross first trail, on left side of depression in big reentrant, cross second trail near it's bend, flatish to control.
#7 - A- A bit thick getting out, but then used trail a smidge before skirting the second marsh/pond on the left and swinging up and into the saddle.
#8 - A Uphill run, stayed running hard at it!
#9 - B+ Stayed pretty high, partly pushed by veg. Came out just right of trail corner, then proceeded in. Even though I'd read clue for depression, I still wanted it to be a hill top as I approached, bah.
#10 - C Ah, must find a route admist the squiggles! Kinda lost contact for a bit, although it turned out I was on the trail I wanted, so not punished for it... Stayed in the big reentrant half way on the leg just a bit too long.
#11 - B Pick a route through the maze of trails. Think I picked an ok one, avoiding some of the early hills, but maybe too far out of the way? Went pretty far right, using the trail I had to #5 for a bit, then basically straight W, on trails while they were going that way, then cutting straight to the open 250m E of the control. Some hesitation on the way in as I was farther N than expected, should have realized earlier I was looking at just the small one-contour hill.
#12 - A Quickly scurried off and S on a bearing, the trail was an easy midway feature and could survey what was below from there, sighted the reentrant to go up and went there.
#13 - D Not terrible, but I must have day dreamed a bit, then wanted the big hill I saw to be an earlier hill, but that didn't match up, so went by the marshes and then was kinda-sorta sure, but still not confident going in. Was made more confident by seeing Roddy heading up in the direction I thought the control was... and yep. Not a good feeling to be that unsure!!
#14 - A Through depressions to start, then over nose and out to trail, pretty much at its bend. Turned off when I saw stone wall and tried to push the woods-running pace to the control.
#15 - C Not a hard run in, but unsure why I didn't even consider cutting the corner...

Orienteering 32:05 [3] 2.91 mi (11:02 / mi) +116m 9:49 / mi

And then the Orange. Someone named Patrick was pretty speedy on it and was only 4 min behind me! Even beat me on #5, when I got horrible tied up in some green. Legs were pretty tired, but good to do. Never really found the trail from 9 -> finish...

Orienteering 17:13 [1] 1.34 mi (12:51 / mi) +62m 11:14 / mi

Collecting 4 white controls and getting horrible tangled up in some green.

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