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Training Log Archive: JanetT

In the 1 days ending Aug 4, 2017:

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Friday Aug 4, 2017 #


Drove back up to Ottawa for the day. We hoped to get tickets for a Parliament tour but by 11:30 there were no English language tours left doe the day. I'm not sure how much Québécois French I would understand so we didn't try for that. If we come back and still can't get English language tours I might give it a try.

So we walked around the grounds that we could access (they're stil in the process of sand-blasting...I think... in any case cleaning the facades of the buildings around parliament square, so there are areas blocked off). Then headed to Byward market for lunch, then the Gallery of Art which kept me out of the sun in the middle of the day. Some interesting exhibits; I love looking at the Inuit art and carvings.

Back to Byward to look for dinner. Originally sat down in an Irish pub, but when no one came after 10 minutes to bring water or take any orders at all we got up and left. The Fish Market was more expensive but food and service was very good.

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