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Training Log Archive: AliC

In the 1 days ending Oct 30, 2011:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Orienteering1 33:00
  Running1 15:49 1.47(10:44) 2.37(6:40) 1
  Drills1 6:45 0.47(14:16) 0.76(8:52)
  Total2 55:34 1.95 3.13 1

» now

Sunday Oct 30, 2011 #

10 AM

Running warm up/down 6:39 intensity: (3:48 @1) + (2:51 @2) 0.49 mi (13:38 / mi) +1m 13:33 / mi
ahr:109 max:141

Drills warm up/down 6:45 intensity: (39 @1) + (5:23 @2) + (43 @3) 0.47 mi (14:16 / mi)
ahr:142 max:162

Running warm up/down 9:10 intensity: (1:27 @1) + (7:43 @2) 0.98 mi (9:18 / mi)
ahr:136 max:147

11 AM

Orienteering race 33:00 intensity: (1:00 @3) + (29:00 @4) + (3:00 @5)

Relay Champs @ Creve Coeur Lake

And running the 3rd leg, Red course for CSU Team 2 (Alex, Ian, me, Mikell). Alex cruised in not far back and then Ian caught speedy early on, but couldn't break away, ended up handing off in the lead, maybe 10 seconds or just a bit more. Clem who started just a bit behind, caught me as I hesitated into 2. Then ran down the ditch, planning to maybe just cross the black bordered little stream, got there and mmmm, maybe not...

Then much navigating around and probably more just behind Clem, although now and again took my own slightly different routes. Such open woods, very hard to get away from someone, or get dropped. We were very even, I slightly missed 12, Clem got a bit of a lead, he went with trail route to 13, decided I might as well too, no other good attackpoint. Clem turned early off the trail, I stayed on and was attacking the control just fine, when I was distracted by him + another control on a rootstock over to my left. Bah!!

Then was trailing, just barely catching until 17 which we punched right together, then racing racing racing to the last two controls. Jeez louise, tough work! I ended up just a bit before, but not significantly at all, decision for the final leg: Mikell versus Wyatt. Sounds like their race was similar, and Mikell was faster into the final two running legs, wahooo!!!! And CSU team 3 into 3rd, not bad, not bad. Must say new uniforms = way snazzy too!


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