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Training Log Archive: AliC

In the 1 days ending May 24, 2012:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Running1 46:43 5.64(8:17) 9.08(5:09) 97
  Strength1 6:08 0.09(1:08:04) 0.14(42:18) 3
  Total1 52:51 5.73(9:13) 9.22(5:44) 100

» now

Thursday May 24, 2012 #

8 AM


And had to go get more stitches (bike accident)... I had to break much more suddenly than I was expecting on my bike and so flying-Ali over the handlebars, splat on the road... whoops!

Was super embarrassed, because there was really no reason to fall, so I just quickly scampered back onto my bike and sheepishly hurried on my way towards work. But then there was kind of a lot of blood emerging from my chin, and when I went to go clean up in the bathroom at work, I realized that there was kind of a gaping gash that was definitely going to require stitches...

So over to uni health center. The doc knew me from helping me with my bad asthma a bit ago, he's an avid mountain biker, friendly guy. The cut's about an inch long, needed 11 stitches (to help avoid scarring), they're to come out next Tues but way better than the cut on my foot, no need to avoid running at all!

No other major damage, although I did break one of my fav lunch boxes + really squished 2 bananas upon impact, apparently...
5 PM

Running 46:43 [2] 5.64 mi (8:17 / mi) +97m 7:52 / mi

Post-work scamper around Emily Dickinson, hill version + University Drive version. Nice out, chin didn't hurt too bad while running. I meant to do hill intervals at lunch, but kinda just wanted to sit tight through the day, make sure I didn't develop a headache, and let the adrenaline wear off- was well jittery all morning!

Strength 6:08 [1] 0.09 mi (1:08:04 / mi) +3m 1:01:41 / mi

Hammies, 15s, before heading over to Gagarin's for A-meet stuff + pizza! Unfortunately I totally spaced and just started digging into the pesto pizza, whoops! This version of pesto has almonds in it.... so mouth/throat started sweeling up, but all good with 2 benedryl. Apparently one of *those* days...

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