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Training Log Archive: AliC

In the 1 days ending May 6, 2014:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Orienteering2 3:12:07 11.34(16:56) 18.25(10:32) 806
  Hiking1 6:59 0.29(24:29) 0.46(15:13) 75
  Running1 4:45 0.43(11:06) 0.69(6:54) 26
  Total2 3:23:51 12.05(16:55) 19.4(10:31) 907
  [1-5]1 4:45

» now

Tuesday May 6, 2014 #

10 AM

Hiking 6:59 [0] 0.29 mi (24:29 / mi) +75m 13:29 / mi

Orienteering 1:47:34 [0] 7.77 mi (13:51 / mi) +479m 11:37 / mi


Legs are taking convincing to move. But did some convincing and had a look around long-relevant terrain (in fact, immediately adjacent, south of the terrain). Much more New Englandy. Rocks are around, but not so much to make the footing impossible. Forest is pretty open pine forest in most places. Light green in the forrest tends to just be denser younger pines. Lighter/dark green around civilization is more likely to be bushy/deciduous.
3 PM

Orienteering 5:37 [0] 0.23 mi (24:26 / mi) +16m 20:05 / mi

Folgarria (long terrain), first attempt:

Attempting to not have trees felled on me, aborted mission to go to #1....

Orienteering 46:10 [0] 2.01 mi (22:58 / mi) +209m 17:22 / mi

Folgaria, second attempt:

#2 - Starting somewhere above #1, I basically contoured across the slope, trying to keep tack of trails as I went across. But realized quickly that trails were rubbish due to all the recent logging, better were noticable reentrants. When I came to the second big reentrant, I saw a big boulder - ok, too high. Tumbled down and found control in a ditch.
#3 - Cleared first nose, out to big trail, tried to locate ride, but unsure, at least was right where it should be. Continued W across first spur and encountered trail as I descended from second. Cruised on trail until second small reentrant after boulder on the right when I cut to the control.
#4 - Up, up, up. On bearing, noting trail crossings and then the reentrant + ditch combo on the E side of control. Came in to trail that the pit was along just slightly low and swept up a little to find it. Man-made pit.
#5 - More up, oof tired legs. Picked out the boulder on my way, first trail, second trail. Hitting the second trail meant I had to sweep up along it to my small depression.
#6 - Loooong leg across everything. I saw two options for the first portion of the leg. Either to go a bit higher from the beginning and then use a trail that contoured or first to use a trail that contoured and then climb. I opted for the latter, maybe first is slightly preferable because get less up-and-down in reen trants being higher earlier? Executed fine, knowing exactly where I was crossing band of green due to ditches on either side. Tried to just contour from there, staying flat, but ended up being slightly low crossing reentrant with stream just before the control. Nearly spiked it from there, but right at circle edge, I opted to go higher than a big downed tree instead of below, putting me on the wrong side of it from the control, boo!
#7 - Down through some kinda trashy stuff due to logging, then back up. Distance from cliff on side of road is how I choose where to enter the woods.
#8 - I don't like keeping track of mini-clearings in the woods. So I took it out towards the main trail on the little spur trail, then from big trail on a bearing and pace-counting to the control, which worked. Very little contour flavor in the area to help out.
Finish - Whee!! Even tired legs can run downhill! Through the ski area. Decided to end this session and restart for the control-pick of the remaining controls.

Orienteering 32:46 [0] 1.33 mi (24:38 / mi) +102m 19:54 / mi

Folgaria, third attempt:

#9 After my stop and re-focus, headed straight on a bearing to #9. Found the clear-ish depression on the way, looked at the spur above it, no control. Hm. Continued on a smidge, but then I saw the much bigger clear depression. Turn around, have another look at my spur. Ah! There's a downed tree on top of it, maybe control is hidden under it. Go and check out and I can't find the control, but it must be the right spur.
#10 Bearing to go the right direction, along hillside, right up to knoll. Spike!
#11 Ug. Crusing in on a bearing, but the vegetation just didn't make sense! Much thicker than indicated, I felt. The reentrant to the N of the control helped guide me in despite that. Unhappy, I went and repeated the leg, but still couldn't make sense of the vegetation.
#12 Uphill again, so slow. Across, the open, in from the 'earth bank', which was really more of a less rocky than normal rock wall. Spiked, even through control was on the ground, hung it back up.
#13 A hillside of vegetation features... blah. Came to E of stone wall, figured staying flat from there and trying to note up-down trail/clearing about 100m before control would let me find it. Nope! Was slightly too low (do I often do this while contouring?) and went too far, to the next trail. Retourning, found it pretty easily. Wonder how close I was in the first case...
#14 Tumble down on bearing, see rock on right, check, but then just miss control somehow and tumble down far too far to trail junction, nearly. Confused (think I'm quite tired by this point). See closer big rock, go back up to depression.
#19 (Too tired for it to be worth 15-18). By boulder, enter thick woods, keep on bearing just a smidge, see control and head for it.
#20 On bearing, exepcted to see boulders by trail, but didn't, just tripped on control instead. Which made me check the control code, which was wrong by one number. But I really had to be in the right place... turns out the next two were off by one too, so maybe is systemic.
#21 Contour across, slightly too low, had to climb up.
#22 Climbing to an obvious trail bend. And done!

Running 4:45 [1] 0.43 mi (11:06 / mi) +26m 9:20 / mi

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