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Training Log Archive: runninghils

In the 7 days ending Dec 22, 2012:

activity # timemileskm+ft
  Strength Training4 5:40:00
  Yoga1 1:00:00
  Hike1 40:00 2.35(17:01) 3.78(10:35)
  Total6 7:20:00 2.35 3.78
averages - sleep:8.5

» now

Saturday Dec 22, 2012 #

Strength Training 1:00:00 [3]
ahr:134 max:186

75 Power snatch for time 55 lb (Rx)

Followed by a series of planks, squat holds, and weighted alternating arm/leg extensions (6 total rounds of 30 seconds - 3 each side)

Thursday Dec 20, 2012 #

1 PM

Hike (With pack) 40:00 [3] 2.35 mi (17:01 / mi)
ahr:136 max:160

Put on pack w/ kitty litter "training partner" (28 lb total)
got on treadmill at 3.5 mph and 3% incline
Every 5 minutes, increased incline 1% until at minutes 30-35, it was at 9%
Then, for minutes 35-40, decreased to 2% incline for cool down/recovery. Pace was kept constant.

This was a lot harder than it sounded in my head when I planned it out. I actually was planning another 5 minutes, but had to get back to work. It burned my calves pretty much the whole time, but it got really challenging the last 10 minutes and I could feel the stress on my body toward the end. Gotta train for those hills and mountains that we don't have! Shins were starting to hurt around the last 5-10 minutes.

If I had more time, this would have been really good as an interval workout. Perhaps do 10 minutes at 8%, recover for 5 minutes at 2% or something.

Wednesday Dec 19, 2012 #

5 PM

Strength Training 2:00:00 [3]

Did 4:45 class so I could double class it today
Overhead Squat 3 lifts EMOTM 5 min
Started with 85 lb, 2 rounds
80 for 2 rounds
75 for last round... really struggling on this one today. Not sure why.

Workout: 21:20
100 Double Unders
75 Push-ups
75 Double Unders
50 Sit ups
50 double unders
25 toes to bar
25 double unders

Skill - Dead Hang Pull-ups
Ugh, I suck at these... can kip, but can't dead hang - had to use the blue band and even then add in the red for the last two rounds. I've got to get the pull-ups figured out.

2nd Session - Clean & Jerk
20 minutes on Clean & Jerk drills, light weight
3 rounds of 3 dip and drive to jerk starting in split jerk position
3 rounds of 3 dip and drive to jerk starting half way into jerk position
Hang Clean & Jerk 1 rep EMOTM until new 1 Rep Max.
Previous 1rm C&J, 120 lb. New max - 125 lb

Tuesday Dec 18, 2012 #

Strength Training 1:00:00 [3]
ahr:130 max:186

EMOTM 5 min, 3 deadlift
rounds 1-2 175 lb, rounds 3-5 180 lb

6 rounds for time:
15 Back Squat (100 lb)
12 Push Press (65 lb)
15:12 (Rx)

Monday Dec 17, 2012 #

6 PM

Yoga (Slow Flow) 1:00:00 [1]

Totally sore from yesterday's Crossfit competition. It's been one of those hobbling around kind of days.

Sunday Dec 16, 2012 #

1 PM

Strength Training race (Bay Regional Throwdown) 1:40:00 [3]

WOD 1: Snatch Ladder
1:00 of work, :15 of transition time.
Women’s bars are: 45#,65#, 80#, 95#, 105, 115#
You have 1:00 at each bar to do max reps. Points will be awarded based on the weight of the bar. Point breakdown is:
12 reps at 45
10 reps at 65
6 reps at 80
Failed at 95
We took 19th/21 on this... not our strong suit

WOD 2: Wall Balls from Hell.
9:00 AMRAP. One person working at a time. 20 lb slam ball
Did 103 wall balls - total team was 191 (10th place)

WOD #3 Ascending Couplet
1-10 x 1 Overhead Squat for men (95), women do front squat (95)
1-10 x 1 Slam Balls (30/20#)
finished in 9:59... we never put the bar down and pretty much rocked it out (won our heat) took 7th overall

WOD 4: Alternating Chipper
Man and woman must pick what movement they start with – 1st or 2nd one. You will alternate movements throughout the chipper. You must stick with that order once you start. (I was partner 1)
Partner 1 20 Knees to elbows
Partner 2 20 Pull Ups
Partner 1 40 Box Jumps (20”)
Partner 2 40 Push Ups (hand release)
Partner 1 60 Ab-Mat Sit Ups (soles of the shoes must be together at all times)
Partner 2 60 Double Unders
Partner 1 40 Air Squats
Partner 2 40 Walking Lunges
Partner 1 20 Burpees
Partner 2 20 Ring Dips

We finished with just a few seconds left before the time ran out (10th place)

Overall, Tony and I finished about in the middle of the pack and were the 3rd place team for Crossfit Glory in 3/4 workouts. Workout 4, we rocked except the double unders. If it weren't for that, I'm sure we would have been way faster. I'm happy with the result for my first Crossfit competition. Total time at the comp was about 6 hours, but much of that was spent watching and waiting.

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