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Training Log Archive: AliC

In the 1 days ending Aug 1, 2012:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Rollerskiing1 41:00 6.3(6:30) 10.14(4:03) 210
  Cycling1 28:44 7.09(4:03) 11.41(2:31) 170
  Strength1 5:39 0.17(32:28) 0.28(20:11) 5
  Total2 1:15:23 13.56(5:33) 21.83(3:27) 385

» now

Wednesday Aug 1, 2012 #

11 AM

Rollerskiing 41:00 intensity: (9:56 @1) + (31:04 @2) 6.3 mi (6:30 / mi) +210m 5:54 / mi
ahr:133 max:158

And a midday rollerski, to mix things up, and maybe just maybe because I somehow couldn't fling myself out of the house to do it at 6.45 am. Ah well, so long as it gets done, but I do think I'll have to get back used to morning workouts sometime soon!

Normal bike path bit, only a few folks out. Wore gloves this time, so hands were much happier campers. Also, there is no way there is 210m of climb on this...
6 PM

Cycling 28:44 intensity: (20:06 @1) + (8:38 @2) 7.09 mi (4:03 / mi) +170m 3:46 / mi
ahr:118 max:151

Boo! First had to bike home to get my card for the gym, then when I came back, people were streaming out of it because the power had gone out, so it was shut for the night... Plans to elliptical foiled.

So I biked around a bit extra, but didn't venture far because it seemed like it might storm at any moment...

Strength 5:39 [1] 0.17 mi (32:28 / mi) +5m 29:49 / mi
ahr:82 max:104

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