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Training Log Archive: runninghils

In the 30 days ending Nov 30, 2014:

activity # timemileskm+ft
  Road Bike16 17:03:55 237.3(13.9/h) 381.9(22.4/h) 748
  Strength Training12 12:00:00
  XC Ski4 6:54:51 31.8 51.18 355
  Mountain Bike2 3:03:10 42.6(14.0/h) 68.56(22.5/h)
  Other1 53:10 6.7(7:56) 10.78(4:56)
  Total24 39:55:06 318.4 512.41 1103

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Sunday Nov 30, 2014 #

XC Ski (Classic) 25:00 [3]

No Distance on this one. Glad I had my no wax skis so I could actually do this (without needing to bust out Klister, which wouldn't happen.) Outdoorsmama got me to kick the trail princess mode for a little bit for this ski. We drove all over to find snow. Just a little bit in the woods by Boyne, so we found a two track and a small field to ski around. A fun little ski adventure and she got to try out her new poles.

Saturday Nov 29, 2014 #

XC Ski (Classic) 2:00:00 [3] 9.3 mi (12:54 / mi)

Ski at forbush with outdoor mama. Fun but warm and thin snow in many spots. Practiced skiing outside the track.

XC Ski (Skate) 53:00 [3] 4.0 mi (13:15 / mi)

End of day skate ski with Jen.

Friday Nov 28, 2014 #

Strength Training 1:00:00 [3]

5 rounds for time:
10 dumbbell snatches (alternating arms)
10 dumbbell over head squats (L)
10 db ohs (R)

Time - 8:28 (20 lb)

The snatches were easy, but the overhead squats were TOUGH. Really hard to keep the weight on the heels. This was the limiter today - tried to keep the weight straight above center of mass and really had to focus to try to keep knees from going forward.

Strength: Sumo Deadlift
Last time worked up to 185, so wanted to go heavier even though that was getting tough due to grip. This time, I used a mixed grip.
200 was heavy, but I think I probably could have gone heavier - was doing the progression with a couple other women and the weights made sense due to last time's weights, but I've done a lot more lifting since that day and gained a lot of strength back.

Road Bike (Trainer) 1:00:00 [3] 13.6 mi (13.6 mph)

Steady Trainer Ride

Wednesday Nov 26, 2014 #

Strength Training 1:00:00 [3]

12 min AMRAP
5 double kettlebell swings
5 double kb clean
5 double kb push press
5 ring dips

Used 2x 25 lb bells
7 rounds + 18 reps

Strength 5 x 3 every 3 min
Next time start higher use smaller interval

Road Bike (trainer) 1:00:00 [3] 14.4 mi (14.4 mph)

Intervals 1*3*5*7*3*1 min, 1 minute rest in between

Tuesday Nov 25, 2014 #

Road Bike (trainer) 1:10:00 [3] 16.5 mi (14.1 mph)

7x4 min, (2 min seated, 2 min standing ) 2 min recovery

Monday Nov 24, 2014 #

Strength Training 1:00:00 [3]

Warm-up - Barbell complex

Workout: for time
1000m Row
50 hang power clean
40 push jerk
30 front squat
Rx- 75 lb
Time: 16:36

Strength: Deadlift 5 rounds of 3 every 3 min

Road Bike (Trainer) 45:10 [3] 10.4 mi (13.8 mph)

Recovery trainer ride in evening after crossfit.

Sunday Nov 23, 2014 #

Mountain Bike 1:35:40 [3] 22.6 mi (14.2 mph)

20 min warm up
3x12 minute intervals, 3 min recoveries
Long recovery back home
Didn't seem like much wind, but it picked up out of the south halfway through the ride, so the ride back was a bit slow. Was a bit overdressed at first, but when it started raining during the cool down, I was happy to have my jacket on and to be able to zip it up. Lost about 1.5 mph off my average on the ride back.

Saturday Nov 22, 2014 #

XC Ski (Skate) 1:42:41 [3] 7.5 mi (13:41 / mi)

Skate Skiing at Forbush. WOW was it slow. So slow that at the bottom of hills, you couldn't use your momentum at all. If you didn't immediately start skating again, you'd just stop. It's like the brakes were on. Could I have used fluoro? Sure, that would have helped, but there's only so much you can do to fight soft trails. As Ann told me as I was heading out: It's going to be a strength workout today. Oh well, it's Nov 22 and my second week skiing in a row. I'll still take it.

Unfortunately, maybe because I was fighting the slow snow so much (?) I ended up with a blister on my instep, so I ended up cutting a couple K off the second lap. Bummer because I was just starting to feel like I was getting a little more glide about halfway through this lap. I did some experimentation with single-sticking on some of the climbs instead of V1. It actually seemed faster to me.

Friday Nov 21, 2014 #

Strength Training 1:00:00 [3]

Warm-up - Run 400m, 30/20/30

Workout: Tabata (35 lb) 0:20 on 0:10 off, 8 rounds, 1:00 between movements
Thrusters - 72
Strict Press - 58
Overhead squat - 53
Push Press - 75
Front Squat - 73

Strength: Strict press 5x5 every 3 min
Getting tough, but probably not maxed out

Road Bike (Trainer) 1:00:00 [3] 13.5 mi (13.5 mph)

Trainer and Netflix... just a recovery type ride after Crossfit.

Wednesday Nov 19, 2014 #

Strength Training 1:00:00 [3]

W/U - 10 minutes of: 6 turkish get-ups (15 lb) 1 minute jump rope, repeat

Workout: 5 rounds for time
20 over the box (20")
15 hang power snatch (50 lb)
10 burpee over bar
Time: 16:48

Strength: Overhead Squat 5x5 every 3 min
Unfortunately, I got stuck at 75 because when I went up to 80 my right shoulder started acting up and I couldn't work it out. Perils of doing strength second, I guess.

Road Bike (Trainer) 1:00:00 [3] 14.2 mi (14.2 mph)

10 min warm up
ladder with 1 minute recovery in between
Ride rest of the time.

On a side note, I am now really into Orange is the New Black.

Tuesday Nov 18, 2014 #

Road Bike (Training) 1:10:00 [3] 16.7 mi (14.3 mph)

10 Min warm up
5 x 6 min intervals (middle 2 standing)
3 min recovery

Monday Nov 17, 2014 #

Strength Training 1:00:00 [3]

jj/squat/mc/js warmup

Strength - Bench 5x5 every 3 min
65*75*80*85*90 - Failed on lift #3 for the 90 round

Workout - 15 minute AMRAP
15 wall balls (15 lb)
15 KB swings (35 lb)
15 Ball Slams (20 lb)
7 rounds +6 reps
Jammed my pinky finger on the second to last round of wall balls. Ouch! May have to call in sick to work tomorrow ;)

Road Bike (Trainer) 45:00 [3] 9.8 mi (13.1 mph)

Approximate because I forgot to start the bike computer. Watched an episode of orange is the new black so I think that pretty much covers it.

Sunday Nov 16, 2014 #

XC Ski (Skate) 1:54:10 [3] 11.0 mi (10:23 / mi) +355ft 10:04 / mi

First ski of the year! Forbush had about 10 inches that they were able to groom into a decent, but thin, base. It was AWESOME! Nice and firm, very little debris sticking through the snow. Slightly bumpy but not bad. I skied on my rock skis, but I think the race skis would have even been safe.

Skied the first loop with Dick, who I ran into at the trail head, so that was fun to have company. I fell 3 times in the first loop while I was trying to get my balance, but the next two were good and I slowed down, focused on technique, and kept the HR under control, which is actually hard on some of these hills. They're not long, but they're steep and frequent. Trail signs said 7.9k/loop, but strava differed. I know it was pretty bendy and twisty, so I probably lost some there, but I think the 7.9K included some parts that weren't open yet. Just went with what was recorded.

So, who wants to come up North with me for a free ski lesson next weekend? Or just ride together to ski... whatever. We can pack lunches and have lunch in the lodge between laps (or after we're done)

Saturday Nov 15, 2014 #

Road Bike (Trainer) 1:30:00 [3] 20.5 mi (13.7 mph)

Warm-up 15
3x12 min intervals, building
3 min recovery
Just ride rest of the time.

Tis the season for watching Rom-coms on the trainer during my workouts. I'm already caught up with Big Bang Theory and New Girl, so I went ahead with the Netflix subscription

Friday Nov 14, 2014 #

Strength Training 1:00:00 [3]

WU - Run 400, then 30/20/30

Workout: 5 Rounds for time
12 Burpee Box jumps (20" box - actually jumped today!)
10 Slam balls - 20 lb
8 Handstand push ups - with 3 boards and abmat. Really tough today - haven't done these in a while. Used to have a lower target.
Time: 15:48

Short recovery then: Maximum front squats in 2 minutes
Weight: 105
Reps: 21
We were supposed to pick a weight where we could get at least 8-10, but not 40 or something ridiculous. So, I guess this was still too many... I guess next time I could do the prescribed 120.

Another short recovery and then
3 dead lifts every 0:15 for 16 rounds
Weight- 145. Seemed pretty good - was getting tougher toward end, but got all my rounds.

This was a tough day! Not much recovery between the different parts. Whew! It was good, though.

Road Bike (Trainer) 1:00:00 [3] 13.6 mi (13.6 mph)

Oops, I just realized I missed recording a workout. Since the distance was cleared out from bike, I am just guessing. Easy ride on the trainer.

Thursday Nov 13, 2014 #

Road Bike (Trainer) 1:00:00 [3] 13.8 mi (13.8 mph)

Warm-up 10
5x 4 minutes in higher gear+1 minute standing
2 minute recovery in between

Wednesday Nov 12, 2014 #

Strength Training 1:00:00 [3]

W/U - run 400, 30/20/30

Workout: 10 Rounds for time -
3 squat snatch
7 back squat
11:48 - 50 lb
I was really feeling limited by the squat snatch. It was feeling better by the end, but when I started with my planned weight, I could only reliably power snatch, so I dropped it down.

every 15 seconds for 5 rounds - 3 thrusters
Went light because we had to be sure we could make every round - probably too light at 35 lb. Oh well, next time I'll do more.

Road Bike (Trainer) 1:02:00 [3] 14.6 mi (14.1 mph)

Warm -up 10 minutes then a ladder up and down with 1 minute recovery in between
Was actually seeing 18 mph+ sometimes which never seems to ever happen on the trainer, so that's a good thing.
Cool down

Monday Nov 10, 2014 #

Strength Training 1:00:00 [3]

20 minute AMRAP
7 hang power clean (85#)
14 burpees over the bar
7 toes to bar
Total- 6 rounds +6 reps
Notes - I was actually able to jump over the bar with 2 feet instead of stepping today. Woo! Also, I was able to get my toes to bar in for real... getting that movement back in shape. Grip is still an issue.

"Bonus" - 1 mile run for time.
I almost decided to row instead, but the ankle was feeling surprisingly good today, so I went for it. It was a bit stiff, but I was able to keep a normal stride. Half the run was in the pitch black park - no lights!! So, that slowed me down. Plus, there was an extra 50m on the run. SO, overall, I can't be too disappointed in running it in 9:30. Ankle was feeling it a bit at the end, but not too bad considering I was still in limp mode last week.

Road Bike (Trainer) 45:30 [3] 9.3 mi (12.3 mph)

Easy recovery ride watching Big Bang Theory.

Saturday Nov 8, 2014 #

Mountain Bike (Roads) 1:27:30 [3] 20.0 mi (13.7 mph)

15 minute warm-up then 3x12 minute intervals with 2 minute recovery
Talked myself into riding outside today with the bargain that if I was cold at the 30 minute mark, I could ride back with the wind and then do my long cool down on the trainer (to warm back up?) but my layers were adequate and I was ok temp-wise for the first part of the ride. Actually, 2 minutes in it started hailing and raining, but that didn't last very long.

I really tried to focus on keeping my breath under control during these as I tend to breathe too fast on bike intervals (maybe because I'm used to breathing to a running cadence?) Anyway, focused on legs and keeping the breaths longer. Also, made sure that the last two minutes of the interval were the hardest. At the start of #3, I was thinking, oh, my legs are kind of achey. It went away, but the unfortunate song that got in my head didn't. (Achey Breaky Heart.)

Got cold halfway through the cool-down, but I guess it wasn't too bad.

Friday Nov 7, 2014 #

Strength Training 1:00:00 [3]

warm up - run 400m, then 30-20-30. Run was pretty similar to Wednesday.

Strength: Back Squat
5x2 every 3 min
I surprised myself with the weight I was able to do. I'm getting my strength back! I know I could have gone heavier today, but that's ok. Noted for next time.

Workout: 5 rounds for time
21 wall balls (14#)
15 box jumps (subbed step ups for ankle)
9 ring rows
Time: 12:59

Road Bike (Trainer) 1:00:00 [3] 11.9 mi (11.9 mph)

Easy recovery spin

Wednesday Nov 5, 2014 #

Road Bike (Trainer) 50:00 [3] 11.6 mi (13.9 mph)

10 min easy warm up
5x5 min intervals 70 rpm, standing last minute
2 minute recovery between intervals
Realized on third interval I could ride in one gear harder, so last 3 were a little bit harder, which was good!

Strength Training 1:00:00 [3]

Warm-up: run 400m, then 30-20-30 squat-spt-ohs
Run was improved, but still "off" - the front of the ankle is what seems to bother me the most. I'm thinking that I may be able to get a full stride maybe next week.

Strength: Deadlift 5x2 every 3 min
235 was getting pretty tough, but I got it!

AMRAP 7 min
1 power snatch
2 overhead squat
1 snatch balance (squat snatch with the bar starting in the back squat position)
Weight: 55 lb
Rounds: 15 exactly

Tuesday Nov 4, 2014 #


Met with one of the very active local triathletes today to talk AR. He is really looking at getting into it as a new challenge after completing a double ironman this year. He also said that there are a number of other club members who are interested in trying AR. Mid-Michigan AR Revival!! Maybe I could put together a mock-AR up here on Sanford lake and in Pine Haven. Could I get some SMOC help with flags? It would be super minimalist. Maybe even just a streamer course with a word written on the streamer that they write on their passport?

Monday Nov 3, 2014 #

Strength Training 1:00:00 [3]

Warm-up Barbell complex with 35 lb bar.

Front squat 5 x 2 every 3 min

Workout 5 rounds for time
Sdlhp 12
Push jerk 12
55 lbs
Worst thing after this: my grip.

3 rounds of 10 scapular pull ups (not real pull ups... just practicing engaging the lats at the start of the pull)

Sunday Nov 2, 2014 #

Road Bike 2:06:15 [3] 32.9 mi (15.6 mph) +748ft

Hills north from Loomis. Felt awesome going out like I was really fast. Then, I came back I realized I'd been riding with a tail wind on the way out.

I wore 3 layers on top, 2 on bottom + shoe covers. It was perfect and I was comfortable the whole time. I saw some interesting things including a buffalo farm and an Amish ahead sign with a Wall Drug sticker on it.

Saturday Nov 1, 2014 #

Other (In-Line Skate) 53:10 [3] 6.7 mi (7:56 / mi)

Just around the neighborhood. Took a little too long with raking the lawn, but at least the front yard is done. It's only about a third of all the yard, and I thought I was way behind. However, skating around I got to see how far everyone else is with their raking and lots of leaves are still on trees, so I'm not too bad. Two more hours tomorrow and another two hours next weekend and I should be golden. Do neighborhoods ever convert to condo associations so we can get a big group discount on hiring out yard work?

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